Chapter 1070 How much did you drink

   As Han Jingchen said, news of accidents came from the Miao family, Li family, and Chu family one after another on New Year's Eve.

  More than ten years ago, Han Jingchen had already taken action to deal with them, but he didn't expect that these three families didn't know what kind of madness they were, and they were so persistent in biting the Gu family.

  At the beginning, I lost so many family members, and I still refused to let go. After more than ten years of recuperating, I started to act again.

  Probably they didn't expect that Han Jingchen would have people watching their every move all these years.

  They didn't take Gu Wanqing's return seriously, they only thought that she came back for the love of their children.

  In addition, as soon as Han Jingchen discovered their intentions, he contacted the families that had been defeated by them over the years. They all said that there were still three thousand nails on the broken ship. Even if those families were ruined, they still had their own connections.

  However, only the three of them knew about these things, and they didn't tell the family members who came to celebrate the New Year with them.

  The New Year's Eve dinner on New Year's Eve was still eaten in the courtyard in the suburbs. After all, Gu Wanqing was about to reach her due date.

  There is a little girl Han Feifei at home this year, so it is really lively.

  Just received several new clothes, Wu Shengfang, the mother, is a little worried: "If this continues, don't spoil her."

  Su Aihong's own grandmother hugged the child to tease: "My Feifei is not good at it. Grandma is right."

   After finishing speaking, she turned around and said, "Don't worry, the Han family will never teach children with bad conduct. Feifei is only so old, you will start to ask for trouble."

  Chu Zhenhua also came over: "Sister-in-law, our Han family has precious personal character, precepts and deeds are there, and our little Feifei will come and go. She must be a smart, sunny little cutie."

  Su Aihong laughed now: "Feifei, listen, your second aunt can still talk.'

  Wu Shengfang also had a smile on his face when he heard what his sister-in-law said.

  At this time, Xinyan came in with a chopping board: "Come here, the task is here, everyone wash your hands, chat and make dumplings."

  He Jinxuan, who had just entered the room, quickly took it from her hand: "I'll come, I'll come, I'm going to put it there."

  Gu Wanqing sat on the sofa, watching He Jinxuan's every move, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

  Xinyan raised her head: "Are you finished?"

  He Jinxuan gave a light 'hmm': "Yes."

  Thinking of what he had found, a cold look flashed in He Jinxuan's eyes, but after seeing Xinyan's smiling face, he softened immediately.

  Han Chunxue and the others didn’t come over this year. An uncle in Sun Baowei’s hometown is not in good health, so he may not be able to survive for many days. They were invited back to their hometown for the New Year this year.

  Sister-in-law Chen was in charge of the New Year's Eve dinner, but Wu Shengfang, Chu Zhenhua, and Xinyan each cooked a special dish.

  Han Jingchen bought a lot of fireworks this year, and when he put them on the table, he let everyone have a good time.

  He is so happy. Now his work is going smoothly, his wife and daughter are by his side, and he will soon have a new life. The mood is quite beautiful.

Han Jingheng looked at everyone: "This year, many happy events have happened in our Han family. Not only has everyone's work been smooth, but we have also had a baby. Come on, let's raise our glasses together and wish us all the best in the new year. become."

  Women drank the wine that Xinyan had brought back with an excuse. The men were white and ten red tonight, and no one cared about them today.

  No, everyone said that they didn't drink too much, but they all spoke with big tongues.

   Xinyan smiled and shook her head and went to the kitchen to make hangover soup for them. When she came out, He Jinxuan, who came to find someone, hugged her into her arms: "Yanyan, there are so many people, I am really lucky to meet you."

   Xinyan looked up at him with a smile: "Since you have said so, you can only treat me well in the future."

  He Jinxuan stared at her for a long time: "But I'm afraid I can't do it."

  Xinyan heard that it was okay, and saw He Jinxuan bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead, and said with a silly smile: "I still want to be good to our child."

  (end of this chapter)

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