There is Room For a Beautiful Daughter-in-law In the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1077: I'm afraid it has another purpose

  Chapter 1077 I'm afraid it has another purpose

  Today is the sixth day of the first lunar month. Both my aunt and aunt are going to work on the first day after the new year. It is really not appropriate to ask for leave. Xinyan agreed to He Jinxuan's proposal.

  But I still asked: "What about you, can you not go to work today?"

  He Jinxuan pinched her nose: "Now is the time for me to perform well, and I must not lose the chain."

  After the aunt and aunt were picked up by the car sent by the uncle, the doctor came to check Gu Wanqing. Because she had a side cut due to a natural delivery, she was advised to stay in the hospital for another three days.

   Now in Han Jingchen's heart, Gu Wanqing's body is the most important, so he naturally agreed with both hands.

  Because it was too troublesome to get food at home, Xinyan rented a cooker from the hospital cafeteria.

  The ingredients and water used for cooking come from space.

  Gu Wanqing was also upbeat, there was still some milk left over for the little one after eating, and she envied the families in the next ward.

  In the evening, Xinyan stewed fish soup, fried pork liver with sesame oil, stir-fried cabbage, and served with barley rice. Their rice, except for a spicy fried cabbage, was the same.

  After eating, He Jinxuan had just finished packing, and was about to rent a folding bed when he returned, when he bumped into Shen Guqing who came to see Gu Wanqing.

  As soon as he heard that he was going to rent a folding bed, he hurriedly stopped him and said, "No need to rent it, I have it over there, just go and move it here later."

  They didn't refuse, anyway, the family courtyard is not too far from here.

   After everything was arranged, He Jinxuan left, and he agreed to come back tomorrow morning.

   When Xinyan came out to pour water, she found that the mother who was making noise in the morning was standing at the door and staring at Gu Wanqing's single room.

   That weird feeling in the morning reappeared.

  Xinyan was not in a hurry to go back, but stood at the door of the water room to see what she would do next?

   After waiting for a long time, the woman didn't do anything else, but went back to the ward where she was.

   When Xinyan returned to the ward with the basin, she told the story: "Dad, be more vigilant tonight. Just now I saw the mother who made a noise and lost her child this morning has been staring at our ward."

  When Gu Wanqing heard this, she immediately looked at her son next to her: "Is she trying to steal the child?"

  Xinyan and Han Jingchen looked at each other.

  Han Jingchen said in a cold voice: "If you simply steal the child, I'm not afraid, but I'm afraid it has another purpose."

   Gu Wanqing thought of something: "You mean, it's them?"

  Han Jingchen nodded lightly: "It's not impossible."

  Gu Wanqing sat up anxiously, and hugged Han Chaojun into her arms: "If they dare to touch my child, I will fight them to death."

   Then she stared at Xinyan and said, "Yanyan, come to mommy too."

  Xinyan walked over: "Mom, don't worry, my skills are not flamboyant. The reason why I said it is to let you be on guard. Besides, Dad has made arrangements in advance. You just need to rest well."

  Han Jingchen patted her hand: "Don't worry, I will take care of everything, you can sleep in peace."

  Those three families had accidents one after another in the past few days, and they would naturally struggle for a while, which he had expected a long time ago, but he really didn't expect such a trick.

   But whether it is true or not, we will know after tonight.

   Xinyan said to Han Jingchen: "Dad, you lie on the bed next to your mother to rest, and I will sleep on a folding bed."

  Han Jingchen naturally disagreed.

  Ke Xinyan didn't care about her, she just laid out the mattress she got from home and laid it on, pulled the quilt with her clothes and lay down on it: "Stop arguing, take a rest, maybe there is still a tough battle to fight."

   No matter how distressed she is, she knows that Xinyan will not compromise, so Han Jingchen can only obey.

   Really made Xinyan guess right, there was movement outside after two o'clock in the middle of the night, and there were more than one or two sounds heard.

  Xinyan and Han Jingchen opened their eyes at the same time, sat up from the bed, and listened to the movement outside.

   When it was confirmed that they were coming this way, Han Jingchen quietly stood behind the door, while Xinyan stood by the child's side.

  Gu Wanqing had been sleeping restlessly, but she woke up vigilantly at this moment, but she was smart enough not to make a sound, and was just ready to strike at any time.

  (end of this chapter)

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