Chapter 1088 Surprise

   There may be more than one person who came in, but He Jinxuan's body has now been recuperated by Xin Yan, and has returned to its best condition.

  For a while, those people were stopped by He Jinxuan in the courtyard, no matter how hard they rushed, they couldn't enter the room.

   It's only a pair of three, and the physical exertion is indeed a lot.

   Half an hour later, there was still an opening by accident. Two people joined forces to entangle He Jinxuan, and the remaining one kicked open the door and rushed into the living room.

  Although Gu Wanqing gave birth not long ago, Ke Xinyan made her a cup of pills in advance to restore her body, and the inside has already returned to normal, plus the space ingredients that she has been using recently, she is no different from a normal person.

   During those years abroad, in order to settle down, not to be bullied, and to return to China one day, she put in a lot of effort when she was learning martial arts, and only she knew the sadness.

  No matter how hard it was, she gritted her teeth and did not tell her parents, because she was afraid that they would feel distressed and persuaded herself to give up.

  The person who rushed in didn't expect Gu Wanqing to be a trainer, and she didn't lose the slightest bit in the fight with him, so she was very anxious.

He Jinxuan watched people slip into the room, and his subordinates were even more brutal. After a while, one of them was crippled with one leg. On the ground, there is no power to fight back.

  Searched their bodies, found no dangerous weapons, and immediately took off their arms before rushing back to the living room.

   Unexpectedly, the mother-in-law's skill is really not a show of strength, and she can deal with that person with ease.

   But he couldn't just watch there, and kicked the man's back directly, and the man fell to his knees on the ground without guarding himself.

  He Jinxuan gestured to Gu Wanqing, meaning to tell her to back off, and leave this person to him.

  Gu Wanqing is a woman after all, she has exhausted a lot of physical strength, and she is still breastfeeding, so naturally she did not try to be brave.

   It's just that she didn't go back to the room, but stayed on the final way back to the room to prevent the situation from changing suddenly.

   Just as He Jinxuan beat that man to the ground, there was movement in the courtyard.

  He Jinxuan dragged the man out of the yard, only then saw that it was Han Jingchen who had arranged for the man in the dark to come back.

  All of them lost their lottery. The leader took a step forward and said with guilt on his face, "Ma'am, are they all right?"

   Naturally, they cannot be blamed for this matter today. It must have been planned by the people behind it, and they also fell into the trick of others.

   He Jinxuan patted one of them on the shoulder: "Don't worry, there is no danger."

  The leader breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good, these people obviously planned ahead of time, and led us away one by one, it seems that the plan is not small.

   Fortunately, Madam and the others are fine, otherwise we would not know how to face the boss. "

  Gu Wanqing has already returned to the room: "Sister-in-law Chen, they have been busy all night, and they are probably tired and hungry. Please help them cook some simple meals so that they can replenish their energy."

   Mrs. Chen quickly responded: "Okay, okay, okay, I'll go right away, and I will make sure they are full."

   As he spoke, he quickly walked out of the room: "Old man, come and help me, it's faster."

  She was really anxious, and she was afraid that if someone came again, they would lose the strength and endanger the safety of the wife and the young master.

  The beatings outside the gate and in the courtyard were directly gagged and tied up, dragged to the courtyard where Aunt Chen and the others lived next door, and thrown into the utility room, waiting for Han Jingchen to come back tomorrow to deal with them.

  (end of this chapter)

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