There is Room For a Beautiful Daughter-in-law In the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1090: Let me tell you what happened at home first.

  Chapter 1090 Let’s talk about what happened at home first

  The speed of the Xue family was so fast that all members arrived soon.

  Master Xue didn't say the real reason, he only said that the tree had a big branch.

   Everyone didn't know what happened, and after looking at each other, they were puzzled.

  Xue Zhibin of the second room is the most valued by the old man, so he is more courageous than other people of the same generation: "Grandpa, what happened?"

Mr. Xue said solemnly: "You don't need to ask any more questions. When you come back tomorrow morning, I will prepare a family property for you. Absolute fairness is definitely not possible, so it depends on your own luck. Draw a number to decide.

  Okay, I’ve finished what I need to say. After you get off work at noon tomorrow, after you went back to the old house to get your things, you quickly spread the news. Don’t ask why, I won’t harm you. "

   Everyone didn’t dare to ask any more questions, the old house was not allowed to live in, so they had to hurry back to their respective yards to pack up their things, and planned to move out with the shared property tomorrow.

   Waiting for the people to disperse, Mr. Xue leaned back on the sofa without any strength, his face was extremely ugly.

   After pondering for a long time, he raised his hand and picked up the phone on the small table next to him, and made a call: "Hello, come and pick me up."

  I only heard a reply from the other side: "Okay."


   Xinyan and Han Jingchen did not go home immediately after returning to Beijing, but first went to the relevant department to register.

   After finishing the work over there, we went back to our home in the suburbs together.

  Just as soon as their car stopped, He Jinxuan walked over quickly, looked Xinyan up and down: "Is there any injury?"

  Xin Yan smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, we are all fine, let's talk in the house."

   After a few people entered the yard, Gu Wanqing was standing by the door of the living room: "Is everything going well?"

  She wanted to say, 'Why did you come back, I was so worried', but she also knew that such a big matter, if they could come back, they would have come back long ago.

  Han Jingchen stepped forward quickly: "What are you doing standing at the door? It's so cold, what should you do if you catch a cold again?"

  Gu Wanqing heard what he said, and said with a bit of anger: "It hurts you to catch a cold, what else can you do."

  Han Jingchen knew that this was because his wife was worried about himself and his daughter.

   Still wanted to say something, but was pushed aside by his wife: "Yanyan, come here quickly, let mom see if you are hurt."

  Xin Yan walked a few steps quickly with a smile: "Mom, I'm fine, don't worry."      Several people were talking and entered the living room.

   Mrs. Chen brought tea and left. Gu Wanqing asked anxiously: "What's the matter? Why didn't you return all night?"

  At this time, Han Jingchen and Xinyan said at the same time: "Let's talk about what happened at home first?"

  Gu Wanqing was stunned for a moment: "How do you know?"

  Han Jingchen glanced at the courtyard: "It looks like the courtyard has been washed with water."

  Xinyan: "I smell a faint smell of blood in the air."

  Gu Wanqing didn't want to hide it from their father and daughter, but she looked up at He Jinxuan and motioned for her to speak.

He Jinxuan nodded at his mother-in-law: "Last night, the people who were guarding in the dark were tricked into leaving the mountain, and then someone came in through the courtyard wall. After finishing my work yesterday, I knew you didn't come back, so I stayed here .

   It was originally just in case, but unexpectedly someone actually came. "

  Han Jingchen looked at Gu Wanqing nervously: "Wanqing, are you hurt?"

   Gu Wanqing was afraid that he would be in a hurry, so she patted his hand: "I'm just sitting here properly. This time, it's thanks to this kid, Jinxuan. If he wasn't here, the consequences would be really disastrous."

  Han Jingchen's face darkened: "Where are those people?"

  He Jinxuan glanced outside the courtyard: "We threw him into the utility room in the next courtyard. We originally wanted to call the police, but I was afraid of disrupting your arrangements."

  Han Jingchen stood up: "Go, go and have a look."

  He Jinxuan accompanied people to the next door, and Gu Wanqing left Xinyan behind: "Mom asked Aunt Chen to stew chicken soup, you can drink a bowl first, the Gu family's revenge is for revenge, but there is no rush.

  In the future, you must put your own safety and health first. Don’t let mom worry, okay? "

  Xinyan took Gu Wanqing's arm: "Mom, I know, I originally wanted to come back with them yesterday, but once the opportunity is missed, it will take more energy to find it again.

   Besides, grandpa and grandma can't stay in the Eastern Province all the time, so those people must be resolved as soon as possible. "

  (end of this chapter)

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