There is Room For a Beautiful Daughter-in-law In the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1094: He can never succeed in this matter

Mr. Xue and his son sighed deeply: "Okay, now that things have come to this point, there is no other way out."

 What these words mean, the man knows very well: "Dad, you can't take that road unless you have to."

Mr. Xue shook his head and said with a sad smile: "I am already old, am I still being brought in and humiliated?"

I heard the man say in pain: "Dad, you are confused."

Mr. Xue looked at his second son opposite: "Yuhu, the Xue family will be left to you. I know your eldest brother cannot bear this burden."

When Xinyan heard this, she knew who the person inside was. Xue Yuhu, the second eldest son of the Xue family, was also Xue Hongjuan's second uncle.

It seems that Xue Hongjuan’s father doesn’t like his father.

Without waiting for Xue Yuhu to express his position, Mr. Xue said: "There is no need to say anything to evade. Time is tight. Except for the things on the surface at home, everything else is in the next room. You can sort it out."

 I am afraid they will have to come over before I get off work at noon today. "

He always felt more and more uneasy, so he wanted to let them finish dividing their things and leave the old house as soon as possible. When the newspaper announcing the severance of relations came out tomorrow, he would have nothing to fear.

When Xinyan heard this, she understood that she was seeking death, and her thoughts were so beautiful.

 How can I possibly get what you want if you still sever ties with me?

The Gu family has suffered so much, and if you think that just by filing for divorce, your children and grandchildren will be exempted from the blame, that's great for you.

Xue Yuhu left the study and went to the room next door.

When Mr. Xue saw his son leaving, he stood up and opened the dark room behind the bookshelf, took out some things to look through, and then took out a large copper basin from under the table beside him.

Xinyan immediately understood what Mr. Xue wanted to do.

Before the match that Mr. Xue lit touched the paper he picked up, he felt something was wrong behind him. But just as he was about to turn around, Xin Yan knocked him out.

I didn’t care to see what those things were, and put them into the space together with the copper basin.

She also took the opportunity to press the button and went into the darkroom. There were four small boxes inside, and she put them all into the space.

After returning to his original state, he took out a self-made pill from the space and stuffed it directly into Mr. Xue's mouth. He didn't even think about escaping with death.

After doing all this, she heard the door next door open. She quickly returned to the screen and entered the space directly.

 Then Xue Yuhu walked in, turned around the screen and said, "Dad, what's wrong with you? Someone come quickly."

Someone ran in: "Second Master, what's going on?" Xue Yuhu said anxiously: "Come over and help me."

Only then did the visitor see the old man’s condition: “I’ll come, I’ll come, I’ll carry the old man.”

As the footsteps walked away, Xinyan came out of the space and went directly into the next room. She saw that the things that Mr. Xue brought back after all the trouble yesterday had been divided into portions.

Xinyan didn’t take a closer look and just put it into the space.

  After doing this and seeing that no one was in the courtyard, he walked out of Xue's house in a big way.

As soon as he walked out of Xue's house, he saw He Jinxuan jumping down with the help of a tree in the courtyard wall: "Is it done?"

Fortunately, she had made preparations in advance and took a small cloth bag from the room next to the study to use as a cover. Xinyan said softly: "Let's go."

 The car drove directly back to the suburban yard.

When they entered the courtyard, they saw Han Jingchen standing under the eaves of the corridor, watching them: "He's back, come in quickly."

Xinyan entered the house and put the bag on the ground: "Dad, this is what I rescued from Mr. Xue. He was about to destroy it at that time."

Before anyone could sit down, Gu Wanqing rushed out of the bedroom: "Yanyan, you are back."

He rushed to Xinyan, put his hand directly on Xinyan's shoulder, then looked up and down several times, and kept touching her hand up and down: "Why are you so brave, kid? Why did you go alone without saying a word? Well, if something happens, what do you want your parents to do?"

After finishing speaking, he glared at He Jinxuan: "You too, why didn't you stop her and continued to fool around with her?"

He Jinxuan glanced at Xinyan: "It was indeed my fault, I shouldn't have taken her there, but the result was pretty good. If I guessed correctly, there are enough things in it to bring down those people."

  They all looked at the bag on the ground. The Gu family had been waiting for this for too long.

Xinyan also took the opportunity to say: "I'm also very curious, because time is tight, I didn't have time to see what the content is?"

As he said that, he placed Gu Wanqing on the sofa and took out the contents of the bag.

After Han Jingchen saw what was inside clearly, he stood up and said, "Yanyan, these things are very important."

Xinyan naturally understood what Han Jingchen meant: "Then hand it over."

Thinking of what Mr. Xue said: "In addition, Mr. Xue probably wants to publish in the newspaper to sever ties with his family's descendants and to protect his family. He must not be allowed to succeed."

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