It's just that I didn't say it out loud. After all, the things are stored in my own space, so it's not easy to tell.

After the conversation that day, grandpa gave himself a cowhide map and said it was the location of the treasure.

Originally, I didn’t want to accept it, but my grandpa said that not everyone could find it there, and it also depended on fate.

Now the cowhide map, the jade pendant returned by Liang Dahai, and the jade pendant his grandfather gave him before are all stored in his own space. When he has time, he will take a trip by himself.

Not long after she returned to the courtyard, Han Jingchen also walked in.

 Grandma Zhang saw the person and said with a smile: "It's just the right time, my meal is ready."

Xinyan looked at Han Jingchen with a smile: "Dad, you didn't leave with them?"

Han Jingchen had a look of doting on her face: "At such a glorious moment, it's natural for dad to put his daughter first."

Xinyan looked at him like that and joked: "You don't want to see how much bonus I got, do you?"

Han Jingchen laughed: "To be honest, I do want to know, but the most important thing is that dad wants to celebrate with you."

 Speaking, he also raised the drink in his hand.

 Xinyan approached him: "Dad, what is your reward this time?"

Han Jingchen tapped her daughter's forehead: "I want to know."

Xinyan nodded at him expectantly: "Yeah, yeah, I want to know."

Han Jingchen put down the drink in his hand: "I won't tell you."

 For a while, the father and daughter were chasing each other in the courtyard, which was very lively.

Grandma Zhang saw the interaction between the father and daughter in the courtyard through the kitchen window, with a smile on her face.

  I couldn't help but think of my own son, and I didn't know when I would be able to start a family and have a son and a half daughter.

The father and daughter chased each other in the yard for a while, and then Han Jingchen whispered: "I didn't ask for an award, I asked for a special approval for your mother."

Xinyan was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Han Jingchen then lowered his voice and said: "Your mother wants to open an electronics factory and has taken a fancy to a piece of land. We have talked about it several times before, but we have never been able to get it."

Xinyan understood and gave her father a thumbs up: "Mom is so impressed."

Han Jingchen smiled mysteriously at his daughter: "I won't tell you."

Xinyan said coquettishly: "Dad, can we still get along?"

Han Jingchen smiled and walked into the kitchen: "Put it aside for now. Grandma Zhang's food is ready, let's eat first."

Grandma Zhang heard the conversation between father and daughter and knew that something good was going on and wanted to celebrate.

 I added another fried peanut, a scrambled egg, and cut up a piece of luncheon meat. Grandma Zhang didn’t know what Xinyan and the others had done before, and Han Jingchen and Xinyan didn’t mention the specifics. Anyway, it was just a good thing, let’s celebrate it.

Grandma Zhang didn’t ask, as long as it was a good thing, she was smiling all over her face.

After dinner, Han Jingchen went back to work, Xinyan went back to school, and the two of them walked out together.

Han Jingchen had called the driver before and asked him to come to Beijing University to pick him up, so he accompanied Xinyan for a while.

 Unexpectedly, I bumped into Gu Yingying and several classmates.

I don’t know what Gu Yingying was thinking, but she led those classmates to Xinyan: "Classmate Xinyan, long time no see."

Xinyan rolled her eyes. There must be something wrong with this person. He lives in the dormitory next door. How can he never see him before?

 It would be truer to say that we haven’t spoken for a long time.

 I don’t know what’s wrong with this person. He comes here to find a sense of presence.

Gu Yingying glanced at what she was holding, smiled and said, "You should also go back to school, let's go together."

 After speaking, he looked at Han Jingchen: "What is this?"

Xinyan was a little annoyed when she saw her pretentiousness, but she didn't get angry in front of such a classmate. She just said calmly: "This is my dad."

Actually, they had met once before, but Gu Yingying didn't remember the person, so she asked this question.

 Han Jingchen recognized Gu Yingying immediately when he saw her, but he didn't show it.

Xinyan didn’t want to go with them: “We still have things to do, and I have to go back to school later.”

Gu Yingying had a flash of disdain in her eyes and asked everyone to leave together.

As soon as she left, Han Jingchen said, "Your classmate's eyes need to be cured."

Xinyan burst into laughter: "You can see it."

Hear Han Jingchen say: "I have met the classmate who just spoke."

Xinyan asked doubtfully: "Where have you seen it?"

Han Jingchen said mysteriously: "Look, I'm afraid it won't be long before you two meet again outside the school."

Xinyan said directly: "Stop playing riddles and tell me who she is?"

Han Jingchen looked at Gu Yingying's walking back and said, "She is from a branch of the Gu family. Her father is your mother's cousin who graduated from the fifth service. They have been to the house once before."

Xinyan looked at Gu Yingying walking away with a playful smile on her lips.

 Dear friends, good night~~~

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