Chapter 1127 Temporary Emergency

The two of them got to the car, and then Vice Minister Hu clarified her doubts: "We went to the school and learned from the department leader that you asked for leave. Fortunately, we met classmate Jiang Peiqin later."

After hearing this, Xinyan smiled and nodded: "Deputy Minister Hu, can you tell me about today's mission?"

Vice Minister Hu put away the smile on his face and said seriously: "The members of the foreign inspection team we are going to receive today are of unusual status. Most of them are the successors of some established families.

To a certain extent, they can directly decide on some projects during this trip to China, so the task of this trip is very arduous.

 But just in the middle of the night last night, we received the news that one of the translators arranged this time had acute appendicitis and had surgery. I thought of you immediately. "

On the way to the airport, several people shared the information of these people with Xinyan, and also focused on the representatives of the old families.

 As soon as you arrive at the airport, there are already staff waiting there.

Seeing Xinyan coming, one of the staff members who knew Xinyan before pulled her aside: "Xinyan, Vice Minister Hu asked me to get you a set of work clothes. Hurry up and change into the rest room over there. .”

Looking at the man taking out a set of black business clothes from the bag he was carrying, Xinyan didn't say anything and walked to the lounge with the clothes.

 When she came out, she seemed like a different person. Her unique temperament and confident expression made her look like an elite person in the workplace.

 The plane landed on time and people were picked up quickly.

A staff member came over and said: "Vice Minister Hu, the information we received is incomplete. This inspection team must have added people temporarily. There are six more people than the number we received."

 Luckily, Xinyan is here. Most of the group speaks English, and three of them speak French.

According to the information, only English translation was arranged yesterday, and something happened in the middle of the night.

 The reception tasks in the department have been relatively heavy these days, and the workload of English translators has increased several times. However, no more personnel can be allocated today. When Vice Minister Hu found out, he immediately thought of Xinyan. Because Professor Jiang gave Xinyan some advice, coupled with Xinyan’s super memory and her language talent, her French level has now reached a professional level.

 After receiving the person, she switched between Chinese, English and French very naturally, which made several of the translators who received her feel envious.

 Vice Minister Hu communicated with the school in advance, and Xinyan followed the inspection team as an interpreter for seven days in a row before ending the secondment.

  I received a salary of 210 yuan when I left. This day’s salary was more than an ordinary worker’s monthly income.

Xinyan became busy in the following days. Not only did she have to go to class, but in addition to studying with the master every Tuesday night, she also had to go to the shop every afternoon after school to train two groups of people recruited by the beauty salon.

Her beauty salon is all ready, just waiting for these people to leave, and then it can officially start work.

 At the same time, she asked Ling Tianze to buy a lot of medicinal materials, then found a few reliable people and signed a confidentiality contract.

Xinyan then asked them to work like an assembly line, with one person responsible for each process, and began to produce the products needed for the opening of the beauty salon.

Xinyan thought that after she taught the first batch of people step by step, she wouldn't have to be so busy in the future.

 Once the products and personnel are in place, the decorated house will no longer have any smell, and you will feel at ease after opening.

Although today's decoration is not like the decoration of later generations, which exceeds the standard in various ways, I still feel that it is better to pay some attention.

 As time goes by, her business segment is gradually expanding, and her career has officially launched.

Good night



 (End of this chapter)

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