Chapter 1130 Where have you been?

 Just as they returned to the headquarters, they saw a woman standing at the gate.

Ling Tianze recognized the person at a glance, turned to Xinyan and said, "My boss, that's Jiang Xiaomin."

Xinyan then took a closer look at the woman wearing black pants and a white shirt not far away.

Jiang Xiaomin looked at the people approaching and came to greet her. She didn't know Xinyan, so she said directly to Ling Tianze: "Comrade Ling, I have taken care of my own affairs."

 When she got divorced, she wanted nothing but her daughter.

 My ex-husband’s family helped me find my previous job, so when we got divorced, we also took it in as well.

Now she has to raise a daughter, so she wants to get the work done quickly.

Ling Tianze introduced her: "This is our boss. If anything happens, let's go in and talk about it."

Jiang Xiaomin didn’t expect Ling Tianze’s boss to be a little girl, but when she saw Xinyan’s confidence in life, she couldn’t help but nodded heavily: “Okay.”

 The main courtyard as soon as you enter is where they work. They are now accustomed to calling it the headquarters.

After entering, Xinyan pointed to the wooden sofa opposite and said, "Sit down."

Ling Tianze and Qi Baocheng helped pour two glasses of water and went directly back to their office to do things.

Xinyan did not mince words: "Comrade Jiang, which area are you mainly responsible for in the sugar factory union?"

Jiang Xiaomin is more direct: “I am mainly responsible for drafting trade union propaganda documents. At other times, I also cooperate with colleagues in handling and coordinating conflicts between employees and their families.”

The two chatted for more than half an hour. Jiang Xiaomin had a strong adaptability and Xinyan was quite satisfied with her.

 In order to run a good beauty salon, although products and services mainly depend on products and services, publicity and communication are also important, and it can be seen from the chat how much Jiang Xiaomin wants this job.

 She believes that as long as she is given this opportunity, she will do her best.

Xinyan stretched out her hand: "Comrade Jiang Xiaomin, welcome to join us."

Jiang Xiaomin was very excited: "Thank you for giving me this opportunity." She was not in a hurry to show her loyalty, but her expression and eyes already gave the answer.

Xinyan smiled and said: "In the next three days, I will conduct one-on-one training for you. I hope you can apply what you have learned quickly."

Of course, everyone who works for her must sign a confidentiality agreement and a work contract, and Jiang Xiaomin is no exception.

 Before signing the contract, Jiang Xiaomin took the initiative to talk about her current situation.

Xinyan had heard Ling Tianze say before that as long as it didn't affect her work, it wouldn't be a problem for her.

Just thinking that she had a widowed husband here, and not counting Chen Manjuan, who had divorced her husband's family with her two daughters, there was another divorced woman with her daughter.

Aunt Man went from not knowing anything at the beginning to now taking charge of her own business. Through her own efforts, she not only earned a slap in the face from her in-laws, but also raised her two daughters very well.

Thinking about myself in the previous life, and then thinking about how difficult it would be for widowed and divorced women like them if there was no one to help them.

 I can’t help but feel a sense of pride when I think that it was because of me that I have changed their lives.

 Leaving the shop and returning to school, he happened to run into Jiang Peiqin, who had been missing for a while. He ran up to her and said, "Jiang Peiqin, what's going on with you? Didn't you agree to get married? Where did you go?"

Seeing how anxious Xinyan was, Jiang Peiqin quickly pulled her aside: "My ancestor, don't be excited. Something happened and the wedding had to be postponed. It was just that the situation was urgent and I didn't come to tell you."

Upon hearing this, Xinyan said: "I called your home several times. Except for the person who answered the phone the first time, you had something to do with your grandpa out of town. The next few times, I couldn't ask anything. I just said You haven’t come back yet, and if you don’t come back, I’m going to report the crime.”

Jiang Peiqin quickly comforted her: "I won't be able to explain this to you for a while. If you don't have any plans, let's find a place to eat and chat."

Just as Xinyan was about to say something, she heard Jiang Peiqin's stomach growl.

I swallowed what I wanted to say: "Okay, let's go to the newly opened Cantonese restaurant in front. The taste is light, which is just right for you who are haggard."

 (End of this chapter)

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