Chapter 1132: Being calculated

As soon as he left the box, He Jinxuan's breathing became heavier.

 Xinyan was close enough to know what was going on without checking.

He said a little angrily: "Why are you so uneasy? If I don't come today, I'm afraid you will be forced to get married tomorrow."

No matter how dull He Jinxuan is, he still understands the meaning of Xinyan's words.

He really didn’t expect that just having a meal with his comrades could cause trouble.

But it's useless to say anything now. His patience has reached its limit, and his hands are starting to become dishonest.

 But the place they chose to eat today is a newly opened private restaurant. This place is relatively quiet. It would be really inconvenient if they don't have transportation.

Ever since Xinyan told him, "Don't drive when you drink, and don't drink when driving," he has been very careful in this regard.

 Today I found someone to send him here, and I thought he would take a car to pick up his comrades and go back after dinner.

Xinyan took the bus to the previous stop and rode the bicycle she kept in the space.

After arriving at the place, she naturally found a safe place and put the car away.

Before I even walked out of the front yard of this private restaurant, I heard someone chasing me from behind: "Huang Nianshuang, what on earth did you do?"

 “Can you please stop following me?”

“You are acting like this now, can you do it if I don’t follow you?”

"Are you annoyed? I told you that I'm just in a bad mood. I want to go out for a walk. You can just do whatever you need to do. Why are you always staring at me?"

“Huang Nianshuang, something is wrong with you today.”

After speaking, he stared at her without blinking. He knew very well what kind of temperament this cousin had, and said, "Ever since I found out that I was going to eat with my comrades, I insisted on coming with them, and even took the initiative to get up and help them. After drinking wine, I was a little doubtful, are you Huang Nianshuang himself?

Where did you go just now, and what happened to that rouge and gouache on your face?

 What the **** are you playing? "

Huang Nianshuang was worried about missing the time, so she was very upset: "Second brother, have you ever said that about your sister?"

 Huang Guangfeng always felt that something was wrong with this cousin, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

At this time, someone called him from behind: "Guang Feng, I said you couldn't come back for a long time with a drink, why are you still here?"

 Huang Guangfeng then remembered what he was going to do when he came out: "I'll go right away."

Before leaving, he said with a serious face: "Be honest with me. If anything happens, I won't speak for you."

As soon as Huang Guangfeng left, Huang Nianshuang looked for people everywhere.

 She had made some moves while pouring the wine, and to make sure nothing went wrong, she found a place to put on makeup. Unexpectedly, when she returned to the private room, no one was there.

 She then hurriedly left the private room again, looking for someone everywhere.

Coincidentally, her second cousin was the drunkest in the car at this moment. When he saw her, he insisted on asking her, which really wasted her time.

Seeing the big beads of sweat rolling down He Jinxuan's forehead and the blue veins popping up, they were about to lose control, and they were blocked in the small utility room by Huang Nianshuang again.

Even if I want to feed him some water from the spatial stream, I don’t have any tools. I’m really desperate.

At this moment, He Jinxuan, who could not suppress himself, took out a small knife from his pocket and stabbed his arm without saying a word. Xinyan quickly stopped the person with quick eyesight and hands: "What are you doing? Just hold on for a while and I will take you out of here right away."

 It's just that He Jinxuan is like this. If he is seen by others, he doesn't know what he will be like. After all, most people who come here know him.

What she didn't expect was that just when she was at a loss, she heard someone coming: "Nian Shuang, why are you standing here? Is the matter done?"

Huang Nianshuang frowned and said, "Why did you come out? If my second cousin sees it, we won't get anything good."

 “Aren’t I worried about you?”

"Go back quickly. I haven't found anyone yet. You must not let my second brother find you, otherwise you will definitely be involved in this matter today."

Xinyan frowned when she heard this. What did the two people outside mean?

She seemed to understand, but she didn’t understand anything.

The man who just spoke just now spoke again: "You go back first, I'll have someone look for you, and you'll be more alert later."

Huang Nianshuang had no choice but to go back to the private room in the backyard because she was afraid that her second cousin would come out to disrupt the situation again.

Her heartbeat was pounding now because she was afraid that her second cousin's comrade-in-arms had left and her plan would fail.

 In this case, she would have no chance and would have no choice but to obey her family and marry into the Fu family.

If I really get to that point, I am afraid that I will only die.

Xinyan didn’t understand what they were doing, but if He Jinxuan’s situation was not dealt with, something big would happen.

He couldn't care so much now. He placed the person on the ground and encouraged him over and over again: "You are great. If you keep at it, I will give you an injection right away."

He Jinxuan turned around and took out a pair of silver needles from the space, then unbuttoned He Jinxuan's shirt.

 Since you are studying medicine yourself, it is not surprising that you carry silver needles with you.

As the silver needles fell one after another, He Jinxuan felt much better, but the heat in his body still did not dissipate.

More than twenty minutes later, noisy sounds came from the courtyard. After listening for a long time, Xinyan finally understood that it was the original wife who came with someone to catch the girl.

Seeing the footsteps of those people approaching the utility room, Xin Yan was heartbroken and entered the space with He Jinxuan, who was still gritting his teeth to resist.

 Just after they entered the space, the door was kicked open.

Xinyan saw a tall and thick-set woman in the space with a group of people barging in. When they saw that no one was in the room, they all froze there.

After a long time, someone said: "What's going on? Why is there no one? Sister Hao, have we been deceived?"

At this time, a woman following behind said flatteringly: "Impossible, I did overhear what Huang Nianshuang and Sister Hao said. The place they talked about was here, and they also mentioned the utility room in the front yard.

I came here to inquire about it a long time ago. Among the front and back yards, this is the only room that is too small, so it has been used as a utility room. "

 The woman who just spoke asked: "Where is that man?"

“I did see Sister Hao’s man and the woman entering the yard, but they didn’t come in together.”

 The tall and thick woman waved her hand: "Let's go to the backyard and have a look."

Good night!



 (End of this chapter)

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