Chapter 1146 It’s all his own fault

 After hearing what Han Jingchen said, except for Liang Yifang and Gu Yingying, Gu Boyuan and Gu Boyan, and Gu Jiaojiao who stood behind and remained silent all lowered their heads in shame.

Gu Yingying knew that if her cousin's grandfather and cousin didn't let go, his father would definitely be sentenced.

As long as his grandfather and cousin let go, even if his father loses his job, at least his wealth will be clean, and their children will not be greatly affected.

She rolled her eyes: "Grandpa and aunt, for the sake of us juniors, please let my father go. We will definitely find a way to pay back the money."

At this time Mrs. Gu Tao Shuqing, who had put the child to sleep, came out: "You don't have to force them here, your father didn't care about the situation first.

 Besides, at that time, if your father had not admitted it, your cousin would not have called the police to deal with it. It was all his own fault. "

 Gu Boyuan and Gu Boyan on the side also knew that their father's matter was over: "My cousin, my cousin, I'm sorry for what happened today."

The two brothers had a tacit understanding. They stood up and bowed to them. Gu Boyuan pulled his mother, and Gu Boyan pulled his thoughtful eldest sister Gu Yingying.

No matter how reluctant they were, they were still dragged out of the Gu family's old house.

Han Jingchen didn't want these people to bother his father-in-law and mother-in-law again, so when they came in to see Han Chaojun, he made a phone call.


 Municipal Transportation Company Family Home

He Jinxuan looked at the newly tidied courtyard with a look of satisfaction on his face.

 He is finally going to marry the little girl back.

Just as I was lost in thought, I heard someone say from behind: "Captain He, your yard is really well maintained."

He Jinxuan turned around and saw Deputy Captain Lu and an unknown girl standing outside the gate: "Vice Captain Lu, why are you here?"

As he spoke, he nodded slightly to the girl next to him.

Lu Qiufu and He Jinxuan are not in the same team, but they have a pretty good relationship. They have had drinks with other colleagues in their spare time: "I heard that your yard is well maintained. I want to bring my partner to visit and learn from it."

He also introduced to He Jinxuan: "This is my partner Fu Guangying."

After speaking, he also introduced to the person: "This is Captain He."

He actually didn’t want to come over, but he wanted to come over and see what his partner said. He also said that they were getting married on the same day. He didn’t want to be compared, so he must clean up the yard better than them.

He has no choice but to have disagreements before they get married.

He Jinxuan didn't think there was anything wrong: "Come in, I'll just clean it up."

 When we first took over the yard, we planted jujube trees and grapes in a corner of the yard, and now they are all bearing fruit.

 He Jinxuan placed a small table and rocking chair under the grape trellis, which looked very comfortable.

Except for two small flowerbeds, the entire yard is paved with bricks, which makes it easier to use when it rains or snows. Fu Guangying walked into the courtyard while the two of them were talking: "Originally, our courtyard is not big, and it is all paved with bricks. Are you not going to plant vegetables in the courtyard?"

As soon as she said these words, not only He Jinxuan but also Lu Qiufu also frowned.

He quickly smiled at He Jinxuan, walked a few steps to Fu Guangying, and whispered, "Let's stay out of other people's affairs."

Fu Guangying raised his head and glanced at him, then wanted to go into the house.

He Jinxuan coughed lightly: "I just wiped the floor in the house and it's not dry yet."

That meaning couldn’t be more obvious.

It's a pity that Fu Guangying didn't seem to hear it and was about to go in.

He Jinxuan was not used to it: "Comrade Fu, if you want to take a look, just take a look at the door, but don't go in. The ground is still wet."

Fu Hongying didn't expect He Jinxuan to be so direct, so she muttered in a low voice: "You're really stingy."

She thought she said it softly, but He Jinxuan still heard clearly. He didn't show it on his face, but in his heart he had excluded this person from the list of people who could be handed over.

I'm still thinking: I need to remind Yanyan when she comes over.

 After all, the two families live not far apart, so there will inevitably be intersections in the future.

Vice-captain Lu was a little embarrassed and said: "Captain He, I'm sorry, this woman is so talkative, don't argue with her."

He Jinxuan knew what Vice Captain Lu was doing, so he didn't take it to heart. He just felt it was not worth it for him. If he married such a woman, he might not be able to live in peace in the future.

Fu Guangying walked around for a while, but nothing happened.

Vice Captain Lu greeted He Jinxuan, and then quickly pulled Fu Guangying and said, "It's getting late. You've seen this yard. Captain He has something to do, so we should go back."

Fu Guangying glanced at the small table and rocking chair under the grape trellis: "Lu Qiufu, I also want to put tables and chairs in the courtyard, but I don't want this, it's too classy. I want the stone tables and chairs in my uncle's courtyard." , a set of kind.”

Deputy Chief Lu got angry when he heard this: He is really a troublemaker.

But the wedding date has been set, and all the wedding items are almost ready, so I had to endure the discomfort and said, "I'll try my best to find it, but I may not be able to buy it right away."

He Jinxuan looked at the backs of the two people leaving and thought: It is better for people like this to have less contact with each other if nothing happens.

Seeing people leaving, I remembered that I had important things to do later, so I quickly packed myself up, closed the door, and got ready to go out.

I looked at the big bag of wedding candies in my hand and thought that in a few days I would be able to have **** with Xinyan. My mood was so good that I felt like I was feeling windy when I walked.

 (End of this chapter)

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