There is Room For a Beautiful Daughter-in-law In the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1149: Get the news and prepare before opening the factory

Chapter 1149 Got the news and prepared before opening the factory

Their family is really too complicated. Mu Haoming's father has married three wives and given birth to children. Mu Haoming grew up with his grandfather, and his brothers and sisters even looked down upon him. Pleasant to the eyes.

The Mu family is a big family, and they may look harmonious, but in fact they all have a lot of thoughts. They have to make all kinds of twists and turns when talking, and they are very tired every day.

When she got to the place to make a call, the first call Xinyan made was not to home or He Jinxuan, but to the company.

 The person who answered the phone was Ling Tianze: "Hey, who are you looking for?"

“Tianze, it’s me, Han Xinyan.”

“Little boss, aren’t you training in isolation and unable to communicate with the outside world?”

“I have two hours off today, so I can contact the outside world.”

 “I just have something to tell you.”

"What's up?"

“Zheng Zhiyang came here today and brought news that a workshop at the state-owned garment factory had all replaced its sewing machines with new ones, and the original sewing machines were removed. They were originally going to be put into storage and sealed first.

After he got the news, he first inquired about it and found out that half of those machines were 50% new. He also asked professionals to confirm it, just to see what we meant. "

Xinyan had planned to open her own clothing company before, but she didn't expect such a good thing to happen: "You guys can discuss this matter. Anyway, you also know our future plans."

Ling Tianze naturally understood what Xinyan meant: "One more thing. The paint factory on Zhengyang Street is going to be moved out. The government intends to sell that land. Do you have any ideas?"

Xinyan naturally knows the location of the factory. If it can be taken down, when the entire factory is moved out in the future, it may be possible to replace it with a larger piece of land. By then, with more liquidity on hand, it will be possible to build a new factory: "Tell Zheng Zhiyang to inquire about the situation over there. It's best if you can capture it."

However, thinking that I didn’t have too much liquidity on hand, I thought of the batch of finance I had received on the machine factory mountain.

According to grandpa, the property he unexpectedly received should have been secretly hidden there by the ancestors of the Gu family, so there was no worry in spending it.

Ling Tianze heard Xinyan’s instructions: “Okay, I’ll contact him right away and ask him to find another way to inquire about the specific matter.”

People came over one after another and queued up to make calls. After Xinyan explained a few words, she hung up the phone.

Then she quickly called the Gu family’s old home. She knew that even if she called her home in the suburbs, her parents wouldn’t be able to pick her up.

Someone quickly picked up the call. When Xinyan heard the voice on the other side, she said, "Grandma, it's me, Yanyan."

“Hey, Yanyan, can you make a call?”

“Yes, everything is okay at grandma’s house?”

“Okay, okay, okay, your parents have been busy preparing a dowry for you and have not returned to the suburban courtyard, so Chaojun has been staying here.”

 “Where is grandpa?”

“He was looking for a place to punch some jewelry for you a few days ago, and he went over today to check on the progress.”

The two chatted for a few more words, and then Xinyan said: "Grandma, there are still people calling later, so I won't tell you more. You can go back and tell your family that I'm fine here, don't worry about it. "

 Hang up the phone and quickly motioned to Jiang Peiqin, who was standing two meters away: "It's your turn, come here quickly."

When the two of them passed each other, Xinyan said, "I'll wait for you in the pavilion in front."

 (End of this chapter)

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