When I returned to the hotel where I was staying in the evening, I was told that everyone would have a day of repair tomorrow and could go out and buy souvenirs.

Xinyan and Jiang Peiqin were happy now. They were going to get married. In addition to bringing gifts to their families, they naturally also wanted to do some shopping for themselves.

 In fact, Han Jingchen and He Jinxuan had exchanged foreign currency for her in advance, but after all, there was a limit on the amount of money that could be taken out with her. The foreign currency in the space had to come from somewhere if she wanted to use it. She didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

So as soon as she got the news, Xinyan applied for an international long distance call to her home: "Mom, this is Xinyan."

“Yanyan, how are you doing there? Are you still used to it?”

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it. I'll have a rest tomorrow. Mom, please arrange for someone to send me some foreign currency."

"Okay, okay, okay, tell me where you live and I will arrange it right away."

"Mom, it's too late today. I still have things to do. Let's go early tomorrow to avoid making mistakes."

Gu Wanqing naturally understood what her daughter meant: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

 After that, the two said a few more irrelevant words and then hung up. Xinyan felt that it was better to be more cautious when going out, so as not to say the wrong thing and cause trouble for herself and her family.

As soon as he entered the room, Jiang Peiqin was coming out of the bathroom to take a shower: "Have you finished making the phone call?"

 Xinyan lay down on the bed: "Yeah."

Jiang Peiqin wrapped her hair with a towel: "You should go and wash it quickly. Let's go to bed early tonight. There is still a tough battle to fight tomorrow, but she has been looking forward to it for a long time."

Xinyan is also very excited about going out tomorrow. After all, this is the first time in her two lives that she has gone abroad.

  Run to take a quick shower, lying on the bed thinking about what gifts to give to family and friends at home, until nightfall, I fell asleep in a daze.

 Early the next morning, as soon as Xinyan arrived in the lobby, she heard the front desk: "Miss Han, someone is looking for her."

Xinyan looked over and saw a Chinese-looking woman walking towards her with a smile: "Are you Xinyan?"

Xinyan nodded politely: "Yes, I am Han Xinyan." The visitor smiled and looked her up and down: "I am Amy, a friend of your mother, Ms. Gu Wanqing."

Xinyan smiled lightly and said, "Hello, auntie."

  Aimee did not expect that Xinyan was more beautiful than her mother: "Prettier than your mother, it seems that your father is also a handsome young man."

These words made the onlookers in the hall laugh.

Afterwards, the two of them chatted for a few words, and Amy pulled the person outside and took a backpack from the car: "This is prepared for you according to your mother's request. You can go shopping with this bag on your back." That’s fine.”

 Xinyan took the backpack, thanked her, and then watched the visitor leave.

These things have to be inspected before they can be used normally, so after Xinyan entered the hall, she walked directly to the team leader and the person in charge of security: "That person just now is my mother's friend here. I want to buy some things for the wedding here. stuff, so my mother asked her to send me some foreign currency.”

These team leaders naturally knew about it. After all, he was beside Xinyan when she called last night.

They took Xinyan and the backpack to the next room, but when they opened the backpack, they looked at each other. They really didn't expect that there would be so much money in it.

The team leader couldn’t help but ask: “Why are there so many?”

As for her family background, she believed that the higher-ups had already investigated her before going abroad, so Xinyan did not hide anything: "My mother has been abroad before, and she has her property here.

It is not easy for me to go abroad. I will get married when I return. In addition, I have many relatives and friends at home, so they helped me prepare more. I am afraid that I will be short of money when I encounter something I like, and I will have regrets. "

They are just performing their duties. There are specialized personnel to investigate the family backgrounds of the people accompanying the delegation. Anyone who can follow them will definitely have no problem.

They really didn’t know Xinyan’s situation, so when she said this, they could understand: “Okay, it’s okay.”

However, Xinyan still asked her to sign her name on the record. Of course, this was a normal process, and Xinyan would naturally cooperate. (End of chapter)

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