In recent years, a large number of educated youth have returned to the city, and the already tight jobs are even more scarce.

  Not to mention regular workers, even temporary workers have to fight for their jobs.

 It was strange that Han Chunxue was not excited when he first heard about this good thing.

He Jiewen on the side couldn't believe that such a good thing happened, and her joy was beyond words.

Mrs. Gu saw them like this and was afraid that she would forget about it later, so she walked directly to the phone: "I will make a call now to confirm the matter with her."

Han Chunxue said gratefully: "Thank you so much, auntie. It has helped me a lot and relieved my worries."

Mrs. Gu replied to her while dialing the phone: "They are all serious relatives. Besides, the matter has not been settled yet."

Before she could finish her words, the phone was connected and someone came from the other side: "Hello, who is this?"

Mrs. Gu smiled and said, "Feiyan, it's me, Shuqing."

“Shuqing, why did you remember to call me?”

She got straight to the point: "I heard it mentioned the other day that the new cinema is recruiting. I wonder if it has started yet?"

 “What, there are juniors in your family who need to be arranged?”


"Your call came just in time. The registration deadline was just yesterday, and the exam will start the day after tomorrow. What's your name? I'll add it for you. You can ask someone to come to my place in advance tomorrow."

“Then I won’t be polite to you. Let’s meet and talk later.”

Mrs. Gu reported He Jiewen's information, and the two briefly chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

He looked at the already excited mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and said, "You have heard it too. Jiewen, please come over tomorrow."

He Jiewen's excited palms were sweating: "Okay, grandma, thank you."

Mrs. Gu looked at her with a smile: "The dust has not settled yet, so don't rush to thank me. It will not be too late to thank me after you are admitted."

He Jiewen didn't hesitate: "Okay, I'll listen to you." She thought that when things were done, she would make some cakes and send them over to show her appreciation.

There is a descendant of the kitchen on the other house. The cooking is not passed on to the men.

  She naturally learned almost everything from his mother, and it is much better than what is sold outside.

Gu Wanqing and Han Jingchen came back together. As soon as they entered the yard, they saw He Jinxuan playing with his son in his arms. He didn't know what he was doing, which made his son laugh out loud.

Gu Wanqing clapped her hands: "Junjun, mother is back."

When the little guy saw his mother coming back, he stretched out his arms and was about to pounce in the direction of Gu Wanqing, and kicked up his short legs happily.

Gu Wanqing took her son and asked He Jinxuan, "Where is Yanyan?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xinyan came over: "Mom, I'm here."

At this time, Han Jingchen, who had greeted people in the courtyard, also came over: "My dear, how are you? Did everything go well this time?"

Xinyan smiled and nodded, choosing to talk about a few things, especially what happened during friendly exchanges.

Han Jingchen gave his daughter a thumbs up: "My daughter is amazing."

The two fathers and daughters began to praise each other, which made Gu Wanqing and He Jinxuan dumbfounded. They were indeed a father and daughter.

As he was talking passionately, Mr. Du's loud voice came in: "I can hear your laughter from so far away."

Xinyan walked quickly towards the gate: "Master, are you back?"

Du Laoxiao looked at his young apprentice: "He's back."

Xinyan stepped forward and directly supported the master's wife behind the master: "The matter over there is over, no need to go over there?"

Mr. Du walked in and replied: "I brought her back directly. I will treat her here from now on, and I will leave the acupuncture to you."

Xinyan had heard from her master about this patient’s condition before, and it was just right to try the effect of space acupuncture on her. She nodded and said, “Okay.”

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