The person who helped He Jin announce the wedding today was the old man of the An family.

Originally, He Jinxuan thought of letting the top leader of their transportation company to officiate the wedding, but the deputy captain from next door, Lu, got there first.

He could remember the proud look in Captain Lu Fu's eyes that day. Since he didn't invite the top leader, he definitely couldn't wrong Xinyan.

Originally, I wanted to invite Uncle An to officiate the wedding. After all, a deputy mayor has a much higher status than the top leader of the transportation company. For no other reason than to not want Xinyan to be compared.

Uncle An agreed happily, but when Mr. An heard that He Jinxuan was getting married, he immediately cut off the person who was officiating.

No, today Uncle An is just a foil.

 Mr. An likes He Jinxuan very much. He wanted to introduce the younger generation of the An family to He Jinxuan and get married.

It's a pity that He Jinxuan didn't want to do it, and the old man kept saying it was a pity.

Mr. An also knows about the affairs of He Jinxuan's family. In fact, he does have some disdain for what the He family did back then.

 The yard was filled with onlookers. Mr. An was very humorous and the whole process was full of ritual.

Today, two families in the family courtyard are holding happy events at the same time, and each family in the family courtyard is doing things separately.

After the ceremony, Xinyan took out the candies she had prepared in advance and asked the three children in the main room of the He family to distribute them to the guests and people who came around to watch the fun, making everyone happy.

 For a time, the courtyard was filled with chatter, laughter and cheers.

 “Captain He, this wife is really generous.”

“What’s going on here? You didn’t see the dowry they brought into the house just now. Good guy, I’m so envious of you.”

"I have something to do at home. I'm late. Please tell me."

"There are several large household appliances. The bedding is made of brocade and the color is really beautiful. There are also a pair of leather suitcases. I have seen them in Youyi Store before. They are so expensive."

At this time, several women came out of the courtyard of Vice Captain Lu's house and said with some evil intentions: "It's not like Vice Captain Lu's house, where they also brought a few cardboard boxes to show off, right?"

The people who just spoke all turned to look at the woman who spoke. Some people were surprised: "Are you saying that the dowry for Vice Captain Lu's wife is just for show?"

The woman who spoke before curled her lips and said, "No, just now we entered the wedding room to ask for wedding candies from the bride, and when we saw the washing machine box in the room, we wanted to go over and touch it.

 As a result, guess what? "

 “Stop being so secretive and talk about it quickly.”

“Originally I just wanted to touch it, but a group of children came over to ask for sweets. Some little brat pushed me, and I immediately fell on the box.”

Someone from behind laughed and said, "The bride's family was frightened at that time, and they all stood up. Their stop scared the children, and they all backed away.

As a result, with this squeeze, she almost crushed the box while still lying on it. "

“It’s impossible to flatten it. After all, the cardboard box is quite solid, but the box is too light. I was squeezed by the group of half-grown children, and I was pushed aside with the box.”

 After saying that, she was laughing so hard that she was out of breath. I was still a little confused at the time, and I didn't realize it at once. Why was she so strong? "

She laughed enough, and then continued: "But the reaction of the bride's family was too funny. Several people rushed towards the box. One of them, because he was walking in a hurry, tripped over someone and jumped on it. On that box.

Because the force was too strong, one side of the box collapsed and the contents were exposed. My parents had to find ways to make up for it, but no one is a fool. It was so embarrassing at the time, I really want to laugh when I think about it. "

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