There is Room For a Beautiful Daughter-in-law In the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1195: Please give me more advice for the rest of my life.

Han Jingchen and Gu Wanqing took a few steps towards the center of the stage.

 Very gentlemanly, he motioned to his wife to speak first.

Gu Wanqing looked at her slim and charming daughter: "Jinxuan, from today, from now on, we will hand over Yanyan to you. She has suffered too much before, so I hope she will have a happy life every day after that." Happy and wanton."

 Thinking about how much they owed their daughter before, and their daughter was about to get married before they had enough treasures, I couldn't help but have tears in my eyes and my voice was slightly choked.

He Jinxuan solemnly promised: "Don't worry, I will cherish her, value her, pamper her, protect her and love her from now on."

Han Jingchen put his arms around Gu Wanqing's shoulders and took over the words: "Jinxuan, Xinyan is an emotional child, but she is also an independent child. No matter what happens, I hope you will remember your original promise. Our Han family Always her strongest supporter.

Of course, if she does something wrong, you must tell us. In the end, I hope you will respect each other and love each other, and live a prosperous life. "

Han Jingchen already said what should be said during the engagement, and there is no need to repeat it. Their daughter will always be the treasure in their hands. If He Jinxuan dares to bully him, he will definitely not be spared.

Yue Yiming smiled and took over the words: "My love for my daughter and my deep love for my parents are all my deep love for my daughter."

Shuoluo looked at the newlywed couple: "What do you want to say to each other?"

He Jinxuan looked at Xiang Xinyan with scorching eyes: "Hold your hand and grow old together with me."

Xinyan met He Jinxuan's burning eyes: "I hope I will never deviate from you in this life. Please give me your guidance in the rest of my life."

Yue Yiming looked at the two people who were looking at each other affectionately, smiled and took over the conversation again: "What a perfect couple, a match made in heaven. They got married because of the love in their hearts. Let us finally wish the newlyweds to be together forever and have a hundred years of happiness." combine."

 For a time, there were cheers and applause in the canteen.

Yue Yiming waited for everyone to stop talking, and then loudly announced: "Next, the wedding banquet will officially begin."

Han Jingchen even smiled and said to the guests below: "Everyone, eat well and be thirsty."

 Then, everyone started to exchange cups and cups in this joyful atmosphere, which was quite lively.

Today’s wedding banquet consisted of six meat dishes, three vegetarian dishes and one soup. The staple food was flower rolls and rice tubes. Not only were they served white wine, but there were also drinks. It was so satisfying that everyone said they were happy and sincere.

Han Jingchen and Gu Wanqing led a newlywed couple, followed by He Jinxuan's wine group, and began to toast to each table in a mighty manner, and everyone's laughter could be heard from time to time.

 It was fine in the front, but when it came to He Jinxuan's former comrades and colleagues, the speed slowed down. From time to time, someone would put on a show for a newlywed couple.

 Fortunately, He Jinxuan has been protecting Xinyan, for fear that the brothers would go too far and bump into Xinyan.

By the time the banquet was over, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Fortunately, He Jinxuan was careful and asked her to change into high heels except when she was on stage. As soon as the ceremony was over and before the toast, he had someone bring Xinyan flat shoes for her to change into. superior.

 The banquet was over, but that didn’t mean it was over. When they returned to the family courtyard, many people were already waiting in the courtyard, preparing for the wedding ceremony.

However, He Jinxuan made an agreement with them in advance, so those people didn't make too much trouble.

After seeing off those who were making trouble at the wedding, He Jinxuan asked softly: "Daughter-in-law, are you exhausted?"

 After saying that, he hugged her into his arms and said, "Finally, I can call you my wife openly and openly."

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