Chapter 1220 Hidden mystery

 After they walked a hundred meters in, there was a fork in the cave.

Xinyan looked at Mr. Gu: "Grandpa, which way are we going?"

Mr. Gu looked at the cowhide map in his hand for a while. There were no markings on it: "Go to the left. I'm afraid it depends on your luck."

 There was no road before we walked very far, but we could clearly feel the flowing wind.

The two of them tapped the stone walls on both sides, but found nothing unusual. Xinyan always felt that there should be a surprise. After all, although the wind hitting her body was slight, she could feel it.

However, the two of them searched here for almost an hour and still couldn't find any mechanism that could be opened: "Grandpa, let's find another passage. Maybe there will be a surprise next."

Mr. Gu is no longer persistent: "Okay."

The two returned the same way, but they did not go to the alley on the right immediately. Instead, they went out and made two new torches from local materials before continuing to explore.

 The passage on the right is obviously much longer, and when it reaches the innermost part, the place becomes more open.

Xinyan could see the mystery hidden in the stone wall at a glance. After all, her eyesight was not very good nowadays: "Grandpa, come here quickly."

Hearing what his granddaughter said, Mr. Gu hurriedly walked over: "What did you find?"

Xinyan pointed to a rock wall and said, "Do you think the color here is slightly different from the surrounding ones?"

Mr. Gu looked at it for a long time, but couldn't understand it: "Grandpa really didn't see it."

But Xinyan is getting more and more excited: "Grandpa, this is just like measuring power, there are secrets hidden in it."

Mr. Gu saw that she had been staring at that area, so he took out a flashlight from his bag and said, "If you add the light of the flashlight, you can see more clearly."

It’s just that Xinyan couldn’t be distracted at the moment and kept staring at the rock wall. After a long time, she finally took a deep breath and said excitedly: “Grandpa, it’s done.”

Mr. Gu was a little confused: "What happened?"

Xinyan's face was full of joy: "Grandpa, look around quickly to see if there is any mechanism."

Although the place here is open, the situation on the rock wall is complicated, so the two of them can only move separately. Half an hour later, Mr. Gu shouted at a standing boulder: "Yanyan, come here quickly."

Xinyan trotted over quickly: "Grandpa, what did you find?"

Mr. Gu pointed to the side of the stone: "Look at the back." Xinyan stretched her head and looked over. Only then did she realize that there was indeed something else behind the boulder. It looked like it had been specially processed by someone. After all, even if she had sharp five senses, she could still see it. I didn't notice anything unusual here at the first time.

I was also fortunate to find something different on the rock wall as soon as I came in. I pressed the numbers I just saw in order, and then a groove appeared where the numbers were displayed.

After careful observation, Xinyan used her backpack as a cover and took out the jade pendant given by her grandfather and the jade pendant given by Liang Dahai from the space. After trying the two jade pendants separately, there was no reaction. Xinyan directly buckled the two jade pendants together. , pushed in again.

At this time, the ground inside the boulder slowly opened an entrance that was two square feet in size.

The two of them looked at each other, their hearts beating like thunder. They were so curious. What is the treasure that so many people have been thinking about until death?

 The waiting process was excruciating, but for the sake of safety, the two of them did not enter rashly.

 Half an hour later, Mr. Gu called the front station.

Originally Xinyan wanted to go in first, but Mr. Gu didn't agree. After all, this place hadn't been opened for a long time and there were too many unknown dangers.

He first checked to see if there was any danger, and then shouted outside: "Come in."

 But after entering, they did not see the scene they imagined, but another passage.

Grandfather and grandson walked forward for almost two hundred meters, and then they saw the boxes neatly placed there.

Xinyan could tell at a glance that these boxes were similar to the boxes she found in the back hill of Sanyuan Machinery Factory, and she also indirectly determined that those boxes were actually hidden by the ancestors of the Gu family.

The number of boxes placed here is not very large, but it is indeed more than the ones at the back of the machine factory.

 Took out the prepared gloves from the bag: "Grandpa, put on the gloves, be careful."

Mr. Gu didn't answer it, but pointed to the stone not far away: "I'll go over and rest for a while. You be careful."

 Maybe it was because he was too excited and his head was a little dizzy from the excitement. He wanted to slow down and look at those things again. It was really because his family had paid too much for these things for generations.

Xinyan was worried about her grandfather's health, so she stretched out her hand to check his pulse. Seeing that it was indeed just fatigue and nervousness, she was relieved: "Then take a moment and let me take a look first."

He said and handed over the water bottle in his quilt: "Drink some water."

 After settling her grandfather, she turned and walked towards the boxes.

 (End of this chapter)

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