There is Room For a Beautiful Daughter-in-law In the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1279: I'm afraid that the Ye family is here to settle old scores this time.

 The three cars left Beijing together and headed towards Ji Province.

 Because I had an old man and a child with me, I didn’t rush on the journey. I rested at a place on the way that night before continuing my journey home the next day.

 At about nine o'clock in the morning, three cars stopped at a fork in the road.

 Everyone got out of the car to move around and get back on the road soon. Zhang Yueshan and the others would turn here.

Xinyan walked up to Shen Guqing and whispered, "Senior sister, do you still have the pills I prepared for you before?"

When Shen Guqing heard the question, he thought of something and said with some embarrassment: "There are still some."

Xinyan smiled and took out a small bottle from her pocket, actually from the space: "This pill is good for your body, you should be able to feel it yourself."

As he spoke, he secretly checked Shen Guqing's pulse again: "Well, let's finish this small bottle to consolidate it, and there will be no need to eat it in the future."

Shen Guqing is really grateful to her junior sister. She didn't have a good rest due to her miscarriage, and she was in a bad mood. She has been depressed. The master said more than once that if she doesn't take care of her, it will affect her future attempts to have children.

 But at that time, I was both busy and depressed, so I didn’t take it seriously.

 Later, during a physical examination, I learned that the problem had become serious. When the junior sister found out, she wasted a lot of time and effort, and even spent a lot of precious medicinal materials to make pills for herself.

In the pharmaceutical part of the little sister, some of their brothers and sisters can't keep up with the talent of the little sister: "Sister, sister, thank you."

 Xinyan smiled and leaned on Shen Guqing's shoulder: "What else can you say to thank me? My senior sister is not the one who should do it."

The two little guys, Ye Sili and Ye Syan, kept circling around the two of them. The topic of the two of them was also led to the children. As they chatted, they started to bite each other's ears.

When He Jinxuan looked over, he saw Shen Guqing chasing his wife, laughing and cursing something: "It's time to go."

Hearing He Jinxuan's shout, Shen Guqing joked: "Your Jinxuan is feeling distressed again. This is the right time to start shouting."

Xinyan laughed: "Senior sister, Uncle Shanzi is looking at you."

 The two looked at each other and laughed.

Xinyan walked to Zhang Yueshan's car and said, "Grandma Zhang, I'll go there on the day of the banquet. You can say hello to the neighbors for me in advance." Grandma Zhang may be in high spirits during happy events, and she didn't get car sick along the way. : "Okay, Yanyan, you should come over early that day."

 The two parties exchanged a few words before setting off again.

 When they arrived in Sanyuan City, it was almost noon.

 The He family knew they were arriving today and had been busy since yesterday.

He’s mother was frequently distracted while preparing meals, and the eldest daughter-in-law beside her couldn’t stand it anymore: “Mom, there was something wrong with us back then.

But there is no difference between your raising the two children and Jin Xuan raising them. Anyway, it is the He family who raised them, and Mr. Ye will not hold on to them. "

Hearing this, Mother He felt even more irritable and almost cut her finger.

The frightened Wang Erni quickly snatched the knife from her mother-in-law's hand: "Mom, let me come. The third brother and the third sister should be here soon. Why don't you go outside to greet them."

Just then He Yuejin came back with his wife and daughter: "Mom, we are back."

He's mother saw her daughter-in-law and said, "Hurry into the house. There are many people today. Take care of yourself, but you won't get crowded."

Guo Yueyue laughed: "Mom, I will pay attention, don't worry."

Just as they were talking, they heard He Xubei from the big room running in: "Nai, my uncle and aunt are back and they brought a lot of things. My father asked me to come back and push the cart."

Hearing this, Mother He patted the corner of her clothes nervously and said, "This is how much I have bought, and I need a cart. Go and push the cart, and I will go out with you."

 I sighed in my heart, thinking that I couldn't put off what I had to face.

As she walked out of the gate, she heard people gathering around her on the other side of the street.

Someone saw her coming and shouted to her with a smile: "He family, the third son of your family has become a promising person. Look how big the rewards are for coming back. I heard that those few are your relatives. What are the backgrounds of these people?" ah?"

Hearing this, Mother He felt even more uneasy, fearing that the Ye family would come to settle old scores this time. (End of chapter)

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