Xinyan and He Jinxuan naturally did not miss the little tricks of the second couple.

Xinyan looked at the watch on her wrist: "Jinxuan, it's getting late. Share what you brought back with everyone."

What should be said, she will spend a while to acupuncture Ye Ye's side. The most important thing is that she doesn't want to say something that makes it difficult for the second room.

He Jinxuan stood up and pointed at the gift boxes: "These are prepared by the Ye family. You can judge them accordingly."

 The implication is that their share of the house does not need to be counted.

 Then he took out what he and Xinyan brought back one by one: "Dad, these are the tea and clothes that Xinyan brought for you, and the skin care products and clothes that Xinyan brought for mom."

The two of them took the clothes and saw that there was a special handbag. They knew without asking that the clothes were expensive.

He's mother had a smile on her face: "This doesn't look cheap. What we are wearing is not what we are wearing. What are we going to waste this money on?"

Xinyan smiled and said, "I thought it would fit you well, so I bought it."

He's father didn't say anything else. He looked at his clothes and the tea leaves, and he was very happy: "This tea smells good."

Jinxuan explained in time: "Xinyan prepared it all. The tea is of the highest quality and can't be bought with a thousand dollars. If she hadn't set it aside in advance, it would have been sold out long ago.

At this time, the second daughter-in-law Gao Yumei couldn't hold it any longer: "Third brother, have you opened a store too?"

Hearing the question, Jinxuan looked at Gao Yumei and said, "This is the shop that Xinyan opened before she got married, not mine."

Gao Yumei was a little excited: "You are all married, so what's yours and mine? It's not all yours."

Jinxuan looked at Xinyan: "The rule in our family is that what's mine is hers, and what's hers is still hers, so everything in our family belongs to Xinyan."

As soon as these words came out, the smiles on the faces of congratulatory father and mother disappeared immediately.

But He Jinxuan said this on purpose. His wife has so many properties, and now he has gone to the sea. If he gets into trouble in the future, he doesn't want his brothers to have inappropriate thoughts, so if there are any, he will point them out directly. as well. Just as He's mother was about to say something, Jin Xuan interrupted directly: "You also know that I am leaving my work unit to work alone, and the entrepreneurial funds were provided by Xinyan.

 After all, her parents and grandparents loved her and compensated her with a lot of assets. "

 The He family did not believe that it was all the funds given by Xinyan, but He Jinxuan said so, what else could they say?

After He Jinxuan finished speaking, he continued to go out to get things. Xinyan was generous, and everyone in the family brought gifts, including the second wife who she didn't like. After all, they only came back once a year.

Most of these gifts were obtained from the factories and shops she owned, so she didn’t need to worry about them.

 Everyone was naturally very happy to receive the gifts. After all, it was only the early 1980s, and information and logistics were not yet developed in later generations. What they brought back was all unavailable locally.

Looking at the time, it was really getting late. He You said, "It's getting late. Let's all disperse."

 Xinyan and He Jinxuan got up and went back to their own courtyard next door.

Before they came back, the eldest brother and his wife helped them clean the house and lit the stove in the house in advance.

As soon as the two of them entered the room, Xinyan said: "You are serious. As soon as you said those words, your parents' faces changed instantly. Aren't you afraid that your brothers and nephews will say that you are a softie?"

He Jinxuan hugged the person from behind: "People's hearts are unpredictable. I'm just inoculating them in advance. If they encounter difficulties in the future, the gang will definitely help them, but they can't put evil ideas on us."

 He said those words just because he saw the little actions of his second brother and his sister-in-law, so as to avoid having his parents kidnap him out of family affection when his second brother and his sister-in-law get up to something again.

As soon as he said what he said before, he didn't believe it. How could the second brother and second sister-in-law have the nerve to make any more excessive demands?

Xinyan laughed: "Okay, you win."

The two of them packed up and went out together, heading to the hotel that Mr. Ye and the others had booked in a good mood.

When the second wife and her husband returned home, Gao Yumei said with an unhappy face: "What does the third brother mean? Is he afraid that we will borrow money from him again?" (End of this chapter)

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