Chapter 986 Here comes a new roommate

   Trotted to the door of the teaching building before stopping, the two turned their heads and looked back at the same time.

   Seeing Cao Haiping standing there in a daze, what was he thinking?

   They looked at each other and smiled, and walked into the teaching building.

  Jiang Peiqin said disgustedly: "This man is really shameless, you just have too much temper, just give him shameless."

  Xinyan thought to herself: Wouldn't it be better to deal with him secretly, besides, didn't I just realize something was wrong.

  Although I have lived my whole life again, in a certain aspect, this brain reaction is really slow.

   Otherwise, it would have been a few days before he discovered something was wrong, and then he called He Jinxuan to try to persuade those few to leave, but it turned out that they were not pure suitors.

   Originally thought that with He Jinxuan's trip yesterday, these people should restrain themselves.

   Unexpectedly, Cao Haiping didn't take He Jinxuan seriously at all. That student Bai Xiaoguang must be smarter than him.

   No, I didn’t come here today.

   It's just her idea, which is obviously too much.

  That classmate Bai Xiaoguang was indeed smarter than this one. As soon as he got the news, he thought about changing his strategy.

  Knowing that Han Xinyan brought her fiancé over here, the purpose was to make them quit, so he thought that he should not be too eager for success, otherwise he would be too late, and he might not be able to complete the task even more.

  He didn't come over this morning, but found someone to watch Xinyan's tail, and planned to meet him outside the school.

  When school was over at noon, Xinyan was called by Professor Tao.

   Entering the office, Professor Tao took out a foreign language book from the drawer: "This is a book on mechanics sent by the publishing house. I know that you have a heavy study task recently, but this book has plenty of time for translation, and you can finish it after the year."

   After finishing speaking, he handed the book to Xinyan: "When you are tired from studying, you can translate a few pages. With your ability, I believe you can finish it on time."

  Xinyan knew that the professor was doing it for her own good. After all, the price of translating a professional foreign language book is not low, so she accepted it with a smile: "Thank you, professor, I will finish it on time."

  The publishing house of this book does have plenty of time, but the requirements are not low. Professor Tao also gave it to Xinyan after careful consideration. First, she has a high accuracy rate. Second, she has been busy this semester and has not translated a few books.

   It's just that he doesn't know that he, a proud student, is now a small boss who owns four small shops.

  Of course, no matter how small a mosquito is, it’s still meat, not to mention Professor Tao’s kind intentions, Xinyan naturally wouldn’t refuse.

  When I returned to the dormitory with the books in my arms, everyone was preparing to eat in the cafeteria.

  Jiang Peiqin saw her come in and asked intentionally, "Do you want to go to the cafeteria with us for dinner today?"

   Before Xinyan could reply, she saw a classmate she didn't know standing in the dormitory.

  Bai Aiwen immediately understood, and explained: "This is Tang Congrong who transferred from the Russian Department to the German class of our Spanish Department. There is still a vacant bed in our dormitory, so she was arranged to come here."

  Tang Congrong also looked over at this time: "Hi Han Xinyan, I am Tang Congrong, please take care of me in the future."

  Xinyan nodded at her: "Hello, I don't live in the dormitory, and we are not in the same class. I'm afraid it's impossible to take care of me."

  Since He Jinxuan told her that those people who appeared in front of her every day were arranged by those families, she is very vigilant now.

  This soup is calm and good at the Russian department, but she changed the department halfway, and was assigned to their dormitory No. 306. She had to be careful.

  Tang Congrong didn't expect that this Han Xinyan was so out of touch, but she still said without changing her face: "You are straightforward, I like it very much, I hope we can get along well."

   Xinyan smiled back, put her book in the cabinet, turned to Jiang Peiqin and said, "Let's go downstairs together."

  As the eldest sister of the dormitory, Cui Haili calmly said to Tang who had just moved in: "You clean up first, and we will go to the cafeteria first."

  Tang calmly nodded in response. When everyone else left the dormitory, she threw away the pillow towel and sat on the bed. She really didn't know what the family was thinking. This semester was about to end, and she was asked to transfer to another department. It really **** her off.

  Thinking of Han Xinyan's wary expression, and thinking about the instructions at home, I feel a headache.

  Xinyan, who went downstairs, said to her roommate who came down together: "The place to eat at night will be the newly opened restaurant outside the school, won't it be the same?"

  Bo Aiwen said with a smile: "No change, no change. The taste of that restaurant is really good, you will definitely like it."

   Several other people also nodded, Zhang Zhaodi smiled and said: "That night will cost your fiancé."

  Xin Yan joked with a smile: "It's okay, he can still afford a half-meal, so you should give him a good meal."

  As soon as these words came out, several people all laughed.

  (end of this chapter)

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