There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1000 Like a mouse meeting a cat

Zheng Chengbao suddenly appeared, asking his sister while cautiously looking into the village. The fish basket in his hand was missing.


Zheng Xinyue looked at the third brother amusedly, being treated by her mother was like a mouse meeting a cat.

"Did you see that Zheng Cuixiang and her husband came to pick up the bride? He is really shabby. Now it's better. Dad, the eldest brother and the second brother don't have to go to see the bride off, and they won't have food to eat!"

When Zheng Chengbao saw that his mother didn't follow him, he started to sneer again as if he had been resurrected with full blood. Zheng Xinyue blinked and looked at the third brother. Why was the evil smile in his eyes a bit gloating?

"Dad and the eldest and second brothers are going to be hungry today. This is what will happen if you disobey mom's orders."

Sure enough, what the third brother said next confirmed her suspicion.

"Third brother, I will tell my father what you said when I get back!"

Zheng Xinyue deliberately used a small face to scare the third brother, but she did not expect that Zheng Laosan was not afraid at all. She said nonchalantly with a stick on her neck:

"I'm not afraid. Mom didn't let them go in the morning. They had to go if they owed something. Not to mention eating meat, they didn't even have a bite of gruel. This is a lesson to our dad. Let's see if he still listens to our mom in the future!"

"Third brother, why don't you sit in the back and I'll sit on the beam."

Zheng Xinyue stopped joking with her third brother, and he might say something else later! After all, the third brother is here to see me off. You can't just let the third brother go on his own if you have Changfeng, right?

She can't do anything so dishonest.

Gu Changfeng watched in amusement as Xinyue and Cheng Bao bickered. When he heard Zheng Xinyue's arrangement, a flash of expectation flashed in his deep eyes.

This proposal was really good. He could hold the beautiful woman in his arms, smell the fruity fragrance along the way, and calmly took off the cushion from the back seat and put it on the frame.

Xinyue's thin skin and tender flesh are afraid of bumps, but the adult leopard's skin is rough and thick, and it is not damaged by bumps. Whoever lets him be a light bulb, bumps can make his memory long.

"I won't sit down, even if that thing asks me for money, I won't even sit down."

Zheng Chengbao didn't pay attention to Gu Changfeng's little movements and waved to his sister repeatedly without waiting to sit down! I feel pain in my buttocks.

"You two, leave quickly!"

Zheng Laosan waved his hand to chase people away, then turned around and went into the woods to get the fish basket.

Gu Changfengyun watched him run away calmly, then looked back and looked at Zheng Xinyue with a smile and said:

"Get in the car, we're almost late."

Zheng Xinyue looked at his smile, why did she feel like there was a conspiracy?

Look at him again, moving one hand to let the car beam out, with an enigmatic smile on his face that invites you to enter the urn.

Zheng Xinyue squinted her eyes and looked back at the rear seat, her eyebrows moved slightly, and there was a shallow and understanding smile hidden at the corner of her mouth.

But she didn't expose Gu Changfeng, and sat calmly on the front beam. They were separated for three days. They couldn't kiss, nor could they hug her?

Seeing Zheng Xinyue's cooperation, Gu Changfeng's smile deepened a little deeper, and his deep eyes were filled with pride. It turned out that not only did he have small thoughts, but Xinyue also had the same, why not

He calmly prepared to get in the car and go to work with his wife in his arms!

Zheng Laosan came out of the woods carrying a fish basket. When he saw his little sister sitting on the front beam of the car, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Didn't I say I don't want to sit? Xinyue, please sit in the back quickly. The front is too tiring for your waist."



Zheng Xinyue and Gu Changfeng looked at each other, both of them dumbfounded. Zheng Xinyue had no choice but to jump out of the car, while Gu Changfeng stood aside and stared at Zheng Chengbao coldly.

The culprit Zheng Chengbao still doesn’t understand what he did wrong? What did Changfeng look at him? How does it feel like you threw his child into a bitter well?

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