There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1015 The future mother-in-law shows off her power

Li Xiuli whispered something in a low voice. Zheng Xinyue was shocked when she heard it. No matter how careful she was, there were things she couldn't notice.

Fortunately, Li Xiuli just muttered one sentence and entered the house with the basin in hand without saying anything more.

"Hey, this is good, haha, I won't even change it for Yu Yan."

Grandpa's happy voice came from the room, and the corner of Zheng Xinyue's mouth raised a proud arc.

As a chef, having customers enjoy eating her cooking is the greatest sense of accomplishment.

Zheng Xinyue fried another plate of small fish and brought it into the house. Seeing that the old man was sweating profusely after eating, grandma seemed to like it too, so she asked her mother to give her another bowl.

"Xinyue, who did you learn this from? It's so delicious!"

When Mr. Gu saw Zheng Xinyue entering the room, he asked her with a smile. This was already the second bowl he had eaten. He still felt that he was still unsatisfied. Two more bowls would not be enough.

"Learned it from an aunt in Shandong."

Zheng Xinyue smiled slightly, put the fried fish on the dining table and boasted:

"I've marinated this fish. The more you chew it, the more delicious it becomes."

Mr. Gu nodded with a smile, picked up the fish and took a bite. It was so crispy that it didn't bite at all.

"Grandma Xinyue, you should try it too, me! Now I really hope that Changfeng will marry Xinyue as soon as possible, so that I can be blessed."

"Yes! My granddaughter is hard to find in the sky and hard to find on the earth. She is a fairy who has come down to earth. She wouldn't be able to do it without her. Look at how delicious these ordinary corn noodles are made by her!"

Lao Mrs. Gao is not modest either, she praises her granddaughter to the sky.

Zheng Xinyue held her forehead, her mother and grandma were so similar in this respect, they were both blindly confident and thought their children were better than anyone else.

"Sister-in-law, this is so delicious, fragrant and sweet. Did you put sugar in it?"

Gu Meijiao is very picky when it comes to eating, but every time her sister-in-law surprises her with the food she cooks, she can't get enough of it. She was originally repelled by the cornbread, but after taking one bite, she fell in love with it.

"Yes, put a little sugar."

Zheng Xinyue smiled and nodded. In fact, she didn't put it at all. She used the sweet corn in the space, and the food she made was sweet and delicious, which was not comparable to ordinary corn noodles.

After breakfast, the masters who put up the beams came. These two masters knew a lot of rules. They brought their own copper coins tied with red strings. They need to be hung up when going up the beams. It is auspicious and can ward off evil spirits.

This copper coin is not given in vain. The boss needs to give some reward and eat a good meal after working. After all, this is the age of earning work points. It is a waste of one day's work!

The reason why Mr. Gu came so early was just to join in the fun of working with him.

When he was a kid, he would go to every house to do the lighting. If he was lucky, he would pick up a few unlit firecrackers!

"Boss, here are the firecrackers I asked you to buy!"

Zheng Dakui had helped others build houses over the years, so he knew a little bit about it, so he asked his eldest son in a low voice.

"I bought it. It's in my room! Go get it now!"

Boss Zheng agreed and hurried back to the house to get it, and a large group of people walked towards Zheng Laosan's new house in the backyard.

Several old people in the village who had a good relationship with Zheng Dakui also came over. These people all have experience in building houses. They usually come to help when there is work for everyone. Unlike Zheng Changshui and Wang Laowen, they just want to eat and drink.

"Auntie, my mother asked me to come over and help cook."

Chen Sili shyly came to Gao Guilan and whispered. She saw her future mother-in-law showing off her power one morning and scolding Wang Laowen and driving away Zheng Changshui and his wife. She was a little afraid to come over, fearing that Gao Guilan would think she was doing it just for the stuttering.

However, if she doesn't come to help with the work, she is afraid that her mother-in-law will think her ignorant in the future.

Gao Guilan glanced at her, and Chen Sili suddenly became nervous. Is her mother-in-law going to scold her?

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