There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1018 Turn on the coquettish mode

Li Xiuli asked in a low voice. She knew how stingy her mother-in-law was. A large pot of corn noodles weighed more than ten kilograms. Another pot would make her mother-in-law very distressed.

"Auntie, I need to borrow some pots from your house."

Zheng Xinyue smiled and didn't answer, turned around and went to Chen Sili's mother to ask for a basin.

There are many people, so it is obviously unrealistic to use a plate. If you only have two chopsticks, the food will be gone. Can that be considered a treat?

So, even though there are only four dishes, you still have to make sure you have enough.


"I have it at home too, go get it now!"

Chen Sili's mother and Zheng Maoshan's daughter-in-law answered together. At this time, they both wanted to bring everything that could be used at home.

"Sister-in-law, can we still bake rabbits?"

Seeing this posture, Gu Meijiao hurriedly came over to ask Zheng Xinyue.

"I guess it won't work. There are too many people. If you like to eat, my sister-in-law will bake one for you alone tomorrow and ask your brother to take it back to you in the evening."

Zheng Xinyue saw the disappointment in her sister-in-law's eyes, so she smiled and pinched her smooth little face to make her a promise.

"Thank you sister-in-law, sister-in-law is the best."

After receiving Zheng Xinyue's assurance, Gu Meijiao was happy. She took Zheng Xinyue's arm and put her head on her shoulder, turning on the coquettish mode.

In fact, she and Zheng Xinyue are only one year apart, but she just likes to act coquettishly with Zheng Xinyue. From the bottom of her heart, she admires this second sister-in-law who is also good at cooking and capable.

I don't have such intimate gestures with my sister-in-law. I always call her "sister-in-law" lightly, and then I go about my business.

Soon the basins and bowls and chopsticks were brought over. Zheng Xinyue took the big basin into the warehouse and scooped out two more basins of corn noodles. Chen Sili hurriedly took them and kneaded the dough.

The Chen family even donated their own big pot. Zheng Xinyue used her pot to stew fish. If there were more people, more potatoes would be put in. Several children were driven home by their grandmother to work, and several children were peeling potatoes. Contracted.

Chen Sili walked to her yard carrying a pot of peeled potatoes. When she went out, she saw Chen Shuli and Zheng Changshui looking into the yard!

"Sili! Auntie, help you."

Chen Shuli's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw Chen Sili coming out. She came over and got close to Chen Sili with a smile on her face.

"Need not."

Chen Sili turned aside calmly, walked around Chen Shuli's waist and twisted into her yard.

"What are you so pretentious about? You haven't married Zheng Laosan yet!"

Chen Shuli stared at Chen Sili's back with a dark face and spat on the ground.

"I went to see her. Gao Guilan is at the new house! Move quickly."

Zheng Changshui hit his wife and scolded her in a low voice. He was angry that she had no future and a little potato would make her eyes go straight.

"You look for that big catfish, and I'll take the opportunity to steal some food."

Before entering the hospital, Zheng Changshui ordered his wife.

As long as his eldest brother and sister-in-law were not at home, other people were of no concern to him.

Zheng Xinyue was busy stewing braised rabbit meat in the kitchen at this time. She took the potatoes at home to the vermicelli factory and exchanged them for a lot of vermicelli, both wide and thin.

The rabbit meat was stir-fried with red pepper, and the aroma wafted from the house to the yard. Zheng Changshui and his wife smelled it as soon as they entered the yard, and they immediately sniffed hard, wishing that the smell could be stored in their noses.

"Quick, the catfish is there!"

Zheng Changshui held back his saliva and looked around with his mung bean eyes when he entered the hospital. At a glance, he saw the big catfish swimming back and forth in the bucket. He lowered his voice and ordered to his wife.

"Okay, I'll do it."

Chen Shuli wiped the saliva from her mouth, hid the cloth bag she had brought beforehand, and gradually moved to the bucket. Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, she bent down and poured the catfish in the bucket into the cloth bag. As fast as lightning, the catfish was in the pocket almost in the blink of an eye.

"What are you doing? How do you steal things?"

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