The man in the shadow forcefully broke off a branch as thick as two fingers, and the sound of grinding his teeth was very loud in the darkness.

Just as Zheng Xinyue was about to enter the house, she felt the hairs on her back stand on end. An inexplicable coldness made her shudder. She couldn't help but stop and look out the door.

There was darkness everywhere, and her eyes couldn't help but rest on the old locust tree opposite. The wind-blown branches were dancing wildly, adding a terrifying atmosphere to the dark night.

Gu Meijiao felt Zheng Xinyue's uneasiness, stretched her neck and looked outside her eyes. She didn't find anything except black or black, so she couldn't help but ask.

"Sister Xinyue, what are you looking at?"


Zheng Xinyue frowned and looked away, but the uneasy feeling still made her uneasy.

"Xinyue, go to bed early! It's been a tiring day."

Lao Mrs. Gao called her granddaughter inside the house with a cane, feeling sorry for her because she was tired today.

"Grandma, don't worry, I'll go get you some water to soak your feet first."

Zheng Xinyue decided to ignore the uneasiness, took Meijiao into the house, took her grandma's arm and helped her into the house.

After grandma came here, she boiled hot water for grandma to soak her feet every day. Of course, the water was mixed with river water, so that grandma could recover as soon as possible.

The dark figure standing behind the old locust tree flashed his eyes after hearing Zheng Xinyue's words, his eyebrows were tightly locked, and he clenched his fists and retreated step by step into the boundless night.

That night, Zheng Xinyue slept very uneasily. She had nightmares one after another. She woke up twice screaming, and Gu Meijiao, who was in the same room with her, was so noisy that she couldn't sleep well.

I woke up in the morning with hair like a chicken coop, big dark circles under my eyes, and yawned one after another.

Zheng Xinyue was used to getting up early, and she had already finished washing up. She saw that Gu Meijiao was like a child who had not slept well, yawning and tearing up, and her eyes full of innocence.

"I'm sorry, you couldn't sleep well because of the noise last night. Can I comb your hair to make amends?"

She smiled and handed the warm towel over to Gu Meijiao to wipe her face. You must know that this towel was soaked in river water, and it would make your face look radiant when applied to it.

She didn't want Changfeng to see Meijiao with a haggard look, for fear that he would think she was an evil sister-in-law and bully her sister-in-law!

"Okay! I want to have a nice hair style."

Hearing that her sister-in-law wanted to comb her hair, Gu Meijiao's half-open eyes widened in an instant, and she excitedly made a request to Zheng Xinyue.

"Okay, comb your hair into the most beautiful style."

Zheng Xinyue smiled. She liked Meijiao's lack of scheming and easy-to-satisfy personality.

After breakfast, Gu Changfeng came to pick up his wife for work on time, and of course his sister. He only had one bicycle, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"Xinyue, sit in the front and Meijiao in the back."

Seeing his sister and Xinyue coming out, Gu Changfeng ordered with a serious face.

Zheng Xinyue raised her eyebrows and glanced at him, then looked at the cotton cushions tied to the front beam, and said to Gu Changfeng with her eyes: "You can do it! Come prepared?"


Gu Changfeng raised his eyebrows on the left side, with arrogance flashing in his black eyes. Zheng Xinyue glared at him: "Are you proud? Let's see who is more powerful!"

Gu Changfeng's eyes flashed with vigilance, what did Xinyue want to do?

Seeing her walking towards Meijiao, Gu Changfeng's eyes flashed with blazing light and he looked at his sister warningly.

Zheng Xinyue turned her back to Gu Changfeng and didn't see him warning Gu Meijiao with his eyes. She showed a sweet and seductive smile to Meijiao: "Meijiao, please sit in front! The view is wider. The mountains in autumn are everywhere. It’s golden and the view is not to be missed.”

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