Zheng Chenghu held the paint brush in his hand. He didn't want Changfeng to do this job. His clothes were so good and he didn't want them to get stained again. Seeing Gu Changfeng frowning while holding the paint, he couldn't help but ask.

"Second brother, isn't this paint too fresh? Is the rosewood color more suitable?"

Gu Changfeng looked away from the room and handed the paint to Zheng Chenghu to see.

"Cheng Bao chose it himself. My silly wife loves colors, and he likes fresh ones."

Zheng Chenghu smiled. He had said this to Cheng Bao when he bought the paint, but it was useless for anyone to tell him what the boy was sure about.

"Okay, since he likes it, let's do it!"

Gu Changfeng no longer raised any objections. He didn't dare to agree with Cheng Bao's aesthetics, but once the furniture was ready, it would be placed in Cheng Bao's home. As long as he liked it.

The two of them were painting in the yard. Zheng Xinyue was carrying a brush in the house to help her elder brother apply plaster. This time, he discovered that plaster wouldn't work either?

It doesn't look very white even if it is painted on the earthen wall. She misses the modern wall paint so much that she sprays it on to make it look brighter.

In one morning, she only painted two and a half sections of the wall, but her back and legs ached from exhaustion. The smell of lime was uncomfortable, and she wanted to go on strike.

I secretly glanced at my eldest brother, he was even holding a brush to wash the roof of the shed! I found that my eldest brother was really efficient at his work, fast and steady, unlike me who was busy all the time and didn’t even do much! It looks thick and thin, like drawings on the wall.

Zheng Xinyue grinned, realizing that she was not the type to work, and it would be a disservice here. The elder brother had to take care of himself, wasting time.

"Brother, I'm going out to see Changfeng and the others."


Zheng Chenglong wanted his sister to go out for a long time. What was she doing? Soon she would have to do it all over again, and she had to be more careful when she was painting the walls in this room, for fear of lime falling on her. This thing would burn people!

Zheng Xinyue glanced at her elder brother suspiciously. Why did he answer so happily and have a look of relief in his eyes as soon as he said he was leaving?

Zheng Xinyue pouted and walked out of the room with her hands behind her back. It felt so unpleasant to be rejected!

As soon as I went out, I saw Changfeng and his second brother holding bottles of paint and brushes painting the large wardrobe! She rushed over and said excitedly as if she had found her goal again:

"Second brother, Changfeng, can I help you paint?"

"Good boy Xinyue, Changfeng worked hard to build the big wardrobe!"

Zheng Chenghu hurriedly stopped his sister. Because he was in a hurry, he didn't think about blurting out what he said.

"Second brother, what do you mean? Can I destroy it?"

Zheng Xinyue glanced resentfully at the nervous second brother, and then looked at Gu Changfeng aggrievedly: "Changfeng, can I brush you off?"


Gu Changfeng replied seriously with a straight face. The large wardrobe is no better than the wall. If it is not painted well, it will cost a lot. Just paint it again and it will be fine.

When painting a large wardrobe, you must pay attention to the finish of the paint surface. It can be said that making a large wardrobe is the first step, and painting is the soul. A good paint surface will make the furniture look stylish.

"You all despise me."

Zheng Xinyue pursed her lips, suddenly feeling so useless! Being rejected one after another by the people I love the most.

"Xinyue, come and help me wash the windows!"

Chen Sili smiled and called Zheng Xinyue. She has been here to help in the past few days. This house is where she and Brother Cheng Bao will live for the rest of their lives. She doesn't care about being shy and decorates it herself. It will give her a greater sense of accomplishment when she lives in it in the future.

"Okay, I'll help my sister-in-law and ignore them."

Zheng Xinyue took the steps given by her second sister-in-law, and when she left, she didn't forget to glare at Gu Changfeng and her second brother to make you dislike me, and I won't help you anymore!

"Changfeng, why is my little sister angry?"

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