There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1038 Shout loudly together

Zheng Xinyue felt that frightening feeling of being spied on again. She raised her head and looked into the woods on the right. There was darkness everywhere, but it was this direction that frightened her.

Most of the men in the family and the village have gone into the woods to arrest people. Now only three women, Ma, her and Chen Sili, are outside the woods.

Although Mom has standing strength, she is only against people who are evenly matched or have lower standing strength than her. If the person hiding in the woods is Chen Rongfa, Mom, herself and Sister Sili are no match for him, and even You may not even have the strength to fight back.

Zheng Xinyue couldn't help but shudder when she thought of this.

She stared at the woods on the right and whispered to Chen Sili beside her:

“Sister-in-law, pick up the stones on the ground.

Gao Guilan's attention was directly ahead, where the men were entering the woods. She was waiting for her husband, son and uncle to return.

Hearing Zheng Xinyue's words, she felt her daughter's uneasiness. She looked back at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I think there are people hiding in the woods on the right. We only have three women, and you are the only one who has the weapon in your hand."

Zheng Xinyue told her mother the seriousness of the matter in a low voice, her vigilant eyes never leaving the woods on the right.

When Chen Sili heard what her sister-in-law said, the hairs on her hair stood up in fear, but she was a smart girl and didn't say much, let alone run away screaming. She chose to stand with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law when she was in danger.

She was behind Zheng Xinyue, bending down to pick up things and being very careful. In order to prevent people in the woods from seeing Chen Sili's movements, Zheng Xinyue was alert and quietly stood in front of her sister-in-law.

"Pick up more, give me two first, and put the rest at your feet." Zheng Xinyue whispered to her sister-in-law.

"Okay." Chen Sili replied with a trembling voice, but her movements were not slow. There were a lot of gravel on the mountainside, and she picked up a pile in a while.

Gao Guilan's character has always been fearless. She didn't take her daughter seriously at this time when it was not good for her. She even thought that her daughter was frightened? That's why I'm suspicious.

Because the men were chasing into the woods, there were so many people, so many torches, if she was the one who was caught, if she didn't run away desperately, could she come back and wait to be caught?

Gao Guilan looked back at her daughter. They didn't even have a torch in their hands. Because the men were going to search the mountain, they took them away. Under the cold moonlight, Xinyue's face was pale, her mouth was tightly pursed, and her hands were He was also clenching his fists unconsciously, which was a state of extreme tension.

"Xinyue, as long as your mother is waiting for your father, go back first!"

Gao Guilan couldn't help but feel sorry for her daughter and asked her to drive her home.


The wind blew through the trees and made a heart-stopping sound.

"Quack quack"

A flock of crows suddenly flew up in the woods on the right, squawking as if they were suddenly frightened.

Even Gao Guilan was alert at this moment. The Yang Cha in his hand changed from the tip down to the offensive position in his hand. Wu Xian was looking at his daughter, staring at the woods on the right with wide eyes, holding the Yang Cha tightly and preparing to give the opponent a counterattack. wear.

Zheng Xinyue didn't listen to Gao Guilan's words and went home. She couldn't leave her mother and Sister Sili behind at this time. The cold wind blew, and her brain was so clear that she could even identify that the person hiding in the woods was Chen Rongfa. The palms of my hands were covered in cold sweat.

"Mom, if someone really comes out in a while, don't get close to him. This person knows martial arts, so don't let him snatch the Yang Cha. Sister Sili, if someone does come out, let's hit him with rocks and shout together, as loud as you want. Shout louder."

There will be two more updates in the afternoon, so don't worry, unless Fei'er really can't write, there will be no more updates.

Thank you all for your continued support, love you.

The following content will be more exciting, so stay tuned.

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