Chen Rongfa was in a trance. He recalled that day when Wang Caihong came to the factory to report. He had never seen such a beautiful woman. In his mind, fairies only look like this, right? No, fairies are not as good-looking as she is, and he is dressed so dirty. The man in Xixi's overalls stood there stupidly watching Wang Caihong walk past him.

From that day on, he was possessed. He would arrive at the door of the unit early every day and wait for Wang Caihong to pass by him. He hoped that one day she would look at him and smile at him. Her smile was beautiful, but it was a pity that every time she looked at him, she would look at him and smile at him. His eyes were full of disgust, as if he didn't bother to stay on his face for a moment.

But Chen Rongfa didn't mind at all. She was so outstanding and he was so humble, how could she fall in love with him?

Listening to her broadcast every day, such a gentle and pleasant voice seemed to be whispering love words to him.

Yes, she had never seen herself in her eyes before, but that pretty boy Zhang Hongbin.

He was sad and sad, but he knew that he was not worthy of Wang Caihong. His always low self-esteem made him feel ashamed, as long as he could see her.

Later, something happened to Wang Caihong. The man named Zhang Hongbin deceived her and she wanted to jump off the building. Unfortunately, she was off duty that day and was not at the grain depot, so it was not herself who saved her.

Later, she was laughed at and bullied by Zheng Chengbao into leaving the grain depot.

From that day on, he could no longer see her walking past him, and could no longer hear her pleasant voice.

Chen Rongfa kept anesthetizing himself in his mind, not thinking about Deputy Director Wang's complaints in front of him, and not thinking about Deputy Director Wang saying that Wang Caihong cried every day.

He only remembered that Deputy Director Wang said that he would help Wang Caihong find a good man who was down-to-earth and loved her. He remembered that he patted him on the shoulder and said that he was someone she could rely on.

Yes, he was willing to help her get revenge, not for her to use him.

Yes, that's true.

That night, her tenderness was not fake. Could she give herself to him if she didn't love him? That was her first time, and she was willing to die for her.

Zheng Xinyue had been observing Chen Rongfa, and found that there was a hazy light in his eyes, and a dreamy smile on his blood-stained face. It was as if the people in front of him did not exist, and the pain in his body did not exist. He was living in his own sketch. out of the world.

Zheng Xinyue felt a little cold. It was impossible for this man to tell Wang Caihong that he was the mastermind behind it. He was too poisoned.

Chen Rongfa looked up at Zheng Xinyue. The dreamy smile before was gone, replaced by a terrifying and ferocious look. He stared at her sinisterly and said through gritted teeth:

"Girl, you are lucky to have survived this time. I will definitely kill you if I get the chance."

"Damn it, you still dare to speak so harshly, I'll break your hand and let me see how you kill my sister?"

Zheng Chengbao screamed and broke away from the shackles of his eldest and second brothers, rushed over, grabbed Chen Rongfa's hand, pinned it to the ground and hit it with a rock.


Chen Rong was in great pain but just groaned. He raised his head despite the severe pain and looked at Zheng Xinyue with a sinister smile.

"Xinyue, don't look."

When Zheng Xinyue saw such a terrifying Chen Rongfa, she was so frightened that she took a step back. A pair of warm hands supported her. Zheng Xinyue looked back with a pale face and saw that the person holding her was Changfeng. Her panic dropped and she leaned against her softly. In his strong arms, the fear in his heart disappeared.

Chen Rongfa had three of his fingers broken by Zheng Laosan, and he fainted from the pain. Zheng Dakui stopped his angry son, fearing for his life, and found someone to tie up the dead dog-like Chen Rongfa and take him to the city to hand over to the police.

People in the village came over to care about the injuries of Gao Guilan and Zheng Xinyue, and exchanged greetings with each other. Amidst the greetings, a harsh question rang out.

"Chen Sili, your mother-in-law and sister-in-law were injured, how come you weren't injured at all? Don't you run away because you were afraid of death?"

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