There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1052 You don’t have to rush

The first person to walk out was Gao Guilan. She gave Zheng Chengbao a hard look as soon as she walked out. Fortunately, her eyes were swollen and she was not very lethal, but she couldn't stand up to the old lady's fierce momentum! Zheng Laosan shrank in fear and quietly hid behind Gu Changfeng.

Gao Guilan looked at Gu Changfeng again with complicated eyes, and Gu Changfeng looked confused.

Li Xiuli came out next. She lowered her head and glanced at Gu Changfeng secretly, and then followed her mother-in-law out of the house.

Gu Changfeng couldn't help but frown, what on earth is going on? Everyone's eyes look so strange? Shouldn't he be anxious to send Xinyue to the city for medical treatment? Why don't you say anything?

"How is it? Is Xinyue seriously injured?"

When Zheng Dakui saw his wife and daughter-in-law coming out without saying a word, he couldn't hold back his anger and asked eagerly.

"It's okay, it's fine."

Gao Guilan cleared her throat, keeping her voice low, and secretly tugged on her husband's shirt to prevent him from asking any more questions.

Zheng Dakui glanced at his wife inexplicably:

"How can it be possible? Changfeng said the injury was serious. Let's not waste time. The third child quickly went to the livestock shed to set up a car and take Xinyue to the hospital!"

"Dad, there's no need to go, I'm fine!"

Zheng Xinyue finally walked out of the room, not daring to look at Gu Changfeng. But even if she didn't look at him, she could still feel the concern and questioning eyes he directed towards her. Zheng Xinyue didn't even dare to raise her head now. How did she feel? It seems like he framed Changfeng?

"Xinyue, don't be brave. If you're so seriously injured, go to the hospital for a checkup!"

Seeing that Zheng Xinyue didn't dare to look at him, Gu Changfeng's voice sounded more like a lesson.

Xinyue can leave other things up to her, but when it comes to her health, he can't let her be willful.

"Ahem, Changfeng! Eat first."

Gao Guilan coughed twice in embarrassment. Instead of sending her daughter to the hospital, she asked Gu Changfeng to eat dumplings!

"Auntie, I'm not hungry!"

Gu Changfeng felt even more strange, waved his hand to refuse, and asked Xinyue with his eyes:

"What happened?"

Xinyue's mother loves her the most. Why is she not worried at all when the injury is so serious?

"Is it serious? Why don't you just say it?"

Zheng Dakui was anxious when he heard this. He stamped his feet and shouted orders to his daughter-in-law. He kept mumbling. Aren't you the ones who usually care about your daughter the most? What happened today?

Gao Guilan wanted to wink at her husband, but it was a pity that her eyes were already swollen to a slit, and no matter how hard he winked, Zheng Dakui couldn't see it. Instead, he pulled at the injured area, causing her to grin and gasp in pain. She had no choice but to cover her face with her hands. She whispered to her husband:

"Dakui, Xinyue just has a small scratch. Just ask Xiuli to apply some red lotion later!"

Gu Changfeng glanced at Gao Guilan and felt that she was weird. She said such a serious injury was a scratch?

"Xinyue, let's go, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Gu Changfeng said no more. He wanted to pull Xinyue away in the past, but he would not be relieved if he didn't hear the doctor say that Xinyue's injury was fine tonight.

Zheng Xinyue hurriedly stepped back. The injury on her back was gone. Why should she go to the hospital? Doesn't this make Changfeng suspicious? She said she couldn't go at all!

Afraid of being forced away by Changfeng, Zheng Xinyue turned around and entered the house, slamming the door shut. Not only did she close it, she also locked it.


Gu Changfeng was caught off guard and locked out of the door. He frowned helplessly and knocked on the door.

When Gao Guilan saw that Gu Changfeng was trying to pull his daughter away, she was so frightened that she ran back to the house. He even knocked on the door, so she became anxious and came over to stop Gu Changfeng and said:

"Changfeng, Changfeng, Auntie knows that young people are full of firepower, so it's inevitable that you don't have to rush, Xinyue will be your wife sooner or later!"

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