There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1061 Don’t even think about fainting again tonight

The sleeping people in the neighbors were woken up by Wang Laowang and his wife, who came out in their clothes and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"I just came out to use the toilet, and these two people fainted from fear!"

Gao Guilan spread her hands and said to the neighbors with an innocent face. The neighbors who saw her face widened their eyes and looked frightened.

"Mom, how many more do you want to scare unconscious?"

Zheng Xinyue called her mother with a frown on her face.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. Isn't my face hurt? Just put some medicine on it and look at your little courage."

Gao Guilan clicked her tongue and explained the situation to these people in a carefree manner. Don't even think about fainting again tonight.

The Red Flag Team 5 was making a fuss here, and Wang Caihong in the city didn't have a good night's sleep either. Nightmares came one after another, and when she woke up in the morning, she became trance-like.

"Rainbow! Mom has gone to work, and the food is being heated in the pot. You get up and want to eat it!"

Her mother's voice came from outside the door. Wang Caihong felt uneasy, put his hands in his hair, and agreed irritably:


"Old Wang, please talk to Aunt Caihong quickly and arrange a job for her. Caihong's mental condition has not been good these past two days!"

Liang Meizhi shook her head and sighed when she heard her daughter's impatient voice, and complained to her husband in a low voice.

Wang Yuzhu frowned and rubbed his forehead irritably. He had a terrible headache and was looking for trouble for himself.

Glancing at his daughter's closed door, he felt even more annoyed. He had always felt restless these days, and Director Gu looked at him in a strange way.

The daughter is always making trouble here, and Chen Rongfa's arrest warrant is posted at the door of the grain depot. He is really worried that one day this kid will be caught and tell him about framing Zheng Laosan. Every time he thinks about it, he is shocked. I broke out in a cold sweat, and then fell into a state of panic all day long.

"What are you thinking about? Do you hear me?"

When Liang Meizhi saw her husband, she frowned and said nothing, and punched him angrily.

Wang Yuzhu glared at her angrily and replied angrily:

"I know, it's hard to get into any unit now, let's wait until after the Chinese New Year! Send gifts and find connections. Rainbow is high-spirited, and most units look down on her! She just happens to be in a bad mood, and she can't hear the gossip outside when she stays at home! "

Liang Meizhi sighed, that was all she could do, there was no point in being anxious.

Wang Caihong could hear his parents whispering in the room, but couldn't hear what they were saying? But she doesn't care, she only thinks about one thing now.

When will that coward Chen Rongfa kill Zheng Xinyue? She now wishes Zheng Xinyue would die in front of her every moment.

Thinking about the precious price he had paid and Chen Rongfa's stinking body full of sweat, Wang Caihong felt sick and wanted to vomit.

She suddenly opened the quilt and jumped to the ground, ran to the kitchen, poured a basin of warm water, returned to the room, stripped herself naked and scrubbed herself.

Wang Caihong looked at the mirror covered with a layer of water mist, and saw that he was so haggard, and he still looked like a freshly blooming flower before.

She gritted her teeth tightly and held the towel tightly in her hands:

"Zheng Xinyue, you took away my lover and ruined everything about me. Don't blame me for being cruel. Just blame you for not stealing from me! If you die, Gu Changfeng will see my beauty and discover me. It’s good.”

But the right eyelid was twitching wildly like that? Wang Caihong pressed his hands down angrily. It had been several days. Damn it, why didn't Chen Rongfa get any news at all?

Wang Caihong felt uneasy. Could it be that Chen Rongfa had been caught? Should she go around the streets and get some information?

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