Zheng Xinyue winked at Gu Changfeng mischievously, raised her crescent-shaped eyes and said with a smile: "Watch it, don't blink!"

Gu Changfeng was really busy watching. He wanted to see how Zheng Xinyue put the piglet into the space.

Seeing Zheng Xinyue struggling to untie the sack, he shook his head and pulled her away:

"I come!"

Zheng Xinyue stepped back with a smile, a trace of success after success flashed in her eyes. Women are naturally inferior to men in terms of strength, so she should not try hard on the matter of strength and leave it to Changfeng. Who made his arms thicker and stronger.

The little piglet was frightened when he left the familiar pigsty and was put into the dark sack with his mother. Now he was screaming heart-rendingly, as if he was about to be killed.

"Oh, the piglet Master Yang picked out is strong, look at the sound!"

Zheng Xinyue said happily at the side, Gu Changfeng raised his thick eyebrows, and a smile flashed in his eyes. Xinyue was quite happy when the pigs screamed so harshly. When she was cleaning up the pig manure, she knew what it meant to live without love.

After untying the piglet, Gu Changfeng carried two sacks, looked at Zheng Xinyue and asked:

"How to put it in?"

"Here, look, the exciting moment has arrived."

Zheng Xinyue stretched out her hand to Gu Changfeng, pretending to be mysterious like a magician before a performance.

"But it's very heavy!"

Gu Changfeng handed Xinyue a sack and reminded her kindly.

"It's only about thirty pounds, but I still have some strength."

His words aroused Zheng Xinyue's competitive spirit. She said it nonchalantly, took the sack and grinned involuntarily. Gu Changfeng looked at the tough-mouthed little girl in a funny way, quietly waiting for her so-called exciting moment. .

"Look." Zheng Xinyue said with a smile, and quickly threw the sack in her hand into the space.

Gu Changfeng kept watching closely, watching Zheng Xinyue throw the sack and subconsciously wanted to catch it, but it was a waste!

But the next moment he put down his outstretched hand, and the sack disappeared out of thin air, just like Xinyue disappeared that day.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Xinyue threw another sack into the space in the same manner, then clapped her hands and raised her small chin to show off:

"Do you see clearly?"

She really wanted to see Gu Changfeng with his mouth wide open and a look of astonishment on his face, but it was a pity that he was still so calm as the wind, as if he was accustomed to the sky falling.

Gu Changfeng nodded under Zheng Xinyue's disappointed gaze and said in a light voice:

"Look clearly, is there a pigsty in your space?"

"No! I plan to let it be a wandering pig like a chicken or a rabbit."

Zheng Xinyue shrugged, she couldn't do such a job as building a pig pen! The pigsty at home was built by my father and Changfeng!

This is a man's job, right? Zheng Xinyue raised her eyelids and glanced at Gu Changfeng, but it was a pity that he couldn't enter the space!

"Pigs are excrement-making machines. Aren't you afraid of stepping on pig excrement when you enter the space?"

Gu Changfeng raised his eyebrows and asked Zheng Xinyue, this was the first time he heard the word "walking pig", whose pig was not put into the pig pen.

Zheng Xinyue blinked after hearing this, and imagined what Gu Changfeng said. In the past, she always entered the space barefoot, and stepping on the soft grass felt as comfortable as stepping on the Persian carpet at home in her previous life.

Since having chickens and rabbits, she has to wear shoes when entering the space, but at least there are less chicken manure and rabbit poop, if it were replaced by pig manure.

That picture, that smell.

Gu Changfeng smiled lightly and looked at Zheng Xinyue, who was frowning, and realized that he was worried? I was so happy just now!

Zheng Xinyue looked at Gu Changfeng with evil intentions: "I have a solution!"

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