There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 492 You don’t even know this, right?

Looking at the shocking wounds on his sister's face, Gu Changfeng's eyes were filled with ink. He really wanted to kill the gangster, and he was even more grateful to the girl who helped the little sister so that the little sister did not suffer further harm. ♦ൠ

His movement was very gentle, but even so, it still hurt Meijiao, but the sister just frowned and gritted her teeth to endure it without saying a word.

Gu Changfeng's Adam's apple rolled, and his heart felt as if he had been thrown into a frying pan. He looked at his sister guiltily. If he had not gone home first, he would not have been separated from Meijiao, and she would not have suffered such a big sin.

"It's cool and the wound doesn't hurt so much anymore."

Meijiao suddenly shouted, grabbing her second brother's hand and looking at him excitedly: "I told you that beautiful sister won't lie to me, and this medicine will definitely be effective."

Sun Ying's face was almost unbearable. The reason why she was holding on here was to prove that what she said was right. If the medicine from outside was applied to the face, it would rot. ♚

But things seemed to be beyond her expectation. She took a deep look at the small medicine bottle in Gu Changfeng's hand. The sticky paste could really cure diseases?

"Yes, it must be effective."

Seeing his sister smile again, Gu Changfeng felt as if the boulder in his heart had been suddenly removed. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and comforted his sister softly.

Sometimes people's psychological effects are also very important. As long as his sister has the confidence not to seek death, even if the medicine is ineffective, he will still thank the brave girl who saved his sister and donated the medicine.

Cao Qiuling kept looking at her daughter worriedly. When she heard that the wound no longer hurt, doubts flashed in Cao Qiuling's eyes. Is this medicine really effective? She looked at Sun Ying beside her and whispered.

"Sun Ying, please help Meijiao re-bandage the wound."


Sun Ying wanted to ask for a new piece of gauze, but because she was angry with Gu Changfeng, she didn't want to say more!

He went over to pick up the gauze on the coffee table and was about to put it on Sun Ying's wound, but Gu Changfeng stopped him in a deep voice.

"Used gauze contains bacteria. You don't even know this, right?"

Sun Ying's face turned red instantly, feeling as if she had been slapped by him in public. She bit her lip angrily and raised her head to look into his eyes. How could this person not save any face for others?

"I'm going to find gauze."

But when she faced those cold eyes as deep as ink stains and felt the doubt in his eyes, she became frightened, lowered her head, whispered something and turned around to leave.

"Gu Changfeng, speak to save some face for others."

Seeing Sun Ying's eyes turned red with embarrassment, Cao Qiuling couldn't help but teach her son a lesson when she left.

"Mom, you said the medicine was of unknown origin and you refused to allow it to be used. Why didn't you stop the gauze? Didn't I ask her to put the blood-stained gauze on Meijiao again without asking?"

Gu Changfeng picked up the bloody and dirty gauze and asked in a deep voice.

Cao Qiuling was speechless by her son's rebuke and glared at him angrily. Gu Changfeng didn't care about the anger in her mother's eyes and threw the gauze into the trash can with a sullen face.

Sun Ying came back with clean gauze, lowered her head and re-bandaged Gu Meijiao's wound with an expressionless expression. She could feel a sharp gaze while bandaging the wound, which made her feel aggrieved and angry.

After bandaging, he went to find Cao Qiuling and said to her tiredly. "Auntie, if there's nothing to do, I'll go back to the room to rest."

"Meijiao is injured, and Changfeng is in a bad mood. Don't take it personally."

Cao Qiuling took Sun Ying and comforted her in a low voice. She was a guest and her son's attitude was inappropriate.

"I know."

Sun Ying nodded obediently and said in a very confident manner: "Auntie, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Second brother, are you staying at home tonight?"

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