There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 623: I will lose my face when I get old

Secretary Qin appeared at the door of the Personnel Department. After entering the room, he took a deep look at Zheng Xinyue and then called Gu Changfeng.

"Secretary Qin, do you have anything to do with me?"

Gu Changfeng asked in a deep voice. If it was not a big deal, he would like to send Xinyue off first.

"I am busy."

Secretary Qin looked back at Zheng Xinyue, nodded to Gu Changfeng, and left first.

"Wait for me."

Gu Changfeng whispered to Zheng Xinyue and followed Secretary Qin out of the office.

"Zheng Xinyue, are your injuries feeling better?"

Section Chief Li finished checking in for Zheng Xinyue and looked at Zheng Xinyue with a smile on his face and asked.

This is the target of the factory director, he needs to shave his beard.

"Okay, are your injuries okay?"

Zheng Xinyue wants to say that your injury is healed, right? But when she saw the tape on his face, she swallowed her words back.

"Forget it, it's really unlucky. Wang Caihong will pay us ten yuan each. You just happened to be here, so I don't have to send it to you anymore."

As he spoke, Section Chief Li opened the drawer, took out two five-yuan notes and handed them to Zheng Xinyue.

"Didn't he arrest him?"

Zheng Xinyue frowned and looked at him. She didn't want to take the money, so she endured the pain and took a bite just to punish Wang Caihong.

"Secretary Qin knows Wang Caihong's uncle and asked me not to pursue the matter. He went to the police station to take the person back in person. What can I say?"

Section Chief Li smiled bitterly. A senior section chief felt aggrieved by a woman's tickling, but he finally lost money.

"I don't want money, I want her to be punished."

Zheng Xinyue refused to accept the money with a cold face. Wang Caihong was always disgusting, so she wanted to clean her up once and for all.

"Forget it, if you don't look up and look down, you can't make it difficult for Secretary Qin to talk, right? But that woman committed suicide, and the sugar factory will not accept her again. I heard that she is now said to be a lunatic. It's good to have this reputation. No."

Section Chief Li lowered his voice to persuade Zheng Xinyue and told Zheng Xinyue the news he had heard.

At this time, Wang Caihong was lying at home crying, his eyes were swollen to slits, his permed hair was as messy as a bird's nest, his face was thin and thin, his eye sockets were sunken, and his face was sallow and as if it were burnt paper. There was nothing like before. Watery look?

"Cry, cry, cry, just cry, it's so annoying."

Liang Meizhi glared at her angrily. Now her family was like rats crossing the street, being pointed at.

I don’t know who spread the lies? Now the neighbors all know that Wang Caihong is hooking up with married women.

Liang Meizhi wants to be strong all her life and lose her face when she gets old.

"I told you to stay away from that girl, but you just refused to listen. You even tricked your own uncle, a piece of flesh was bitten off your face, and you lost your job in the inspection team. You still can't forget that man named Gu. ? They didn’t even take a fancy to you. Now others say you are a nymphomaniac and mentally ill. You bite and scratch men when you can’t run away from them. Your father and I don’t dare to go out. We are buried in spittle. "

"If you say it again, I will die in front of you."

Wang Caihong's eyes flashed fiercely, he sat up suddenly, jumped down, opened the drawer, took out the scissors and pointed it at his throat.

Liang Meizhi was frightened and coaxed her tremblingly.

"No, no, Mom, stop talking. Isn't this angry? Put down the scissors quickly."

"Outsiders bully me, and you bully me too."

Jiang Cailian's hands were trembling. She was heartbroken when she couldn't get Gu Changfeng's love. If someone said she was a madman, the rest of her life would be ruined. She hated Zheng Xinyue to death. It was her who had harmed her.

"Don't cry, you will learn a lesson. Your father will ask your uncle to help you find a place to live. If it doesn't work, just sell the house here and buy a house over there. Once you leave here, you will be gone." People know about you.”

"Where, which factory are you going to?"

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