There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 803 Should this plan be changed?

Zheng Dakui took out the good wine Changfeng bought for himself in the province to entertain his future in-laws, and greeted them warmly while pouring the wine. ♦♢

"Come on, come on, let's not go back until we get drunk."


Gu Decheng stood up quickly, held the cup with both hands, and thanked him with a smile.

After Zheng Xinyue finished cooking, she felt that she was smelling of cooking fumes, so she quietly went back to the house, changed into new clothes, and combed her hair again. Looking at herself in the mirror, she really wanted to put on makeup beautifully. It would be nice if someone took pictures of her. I haven’t taken a photo with Changfeng yet!

Coming out of the house, I heard grandpa's strong and steady voice.

"Don't forget business while drinking, Dakui! My family hopes to marry Xinyue as soon as possible. What date do you think is more suitable?"

Zheng Xinyue's face turned red, her heart was beating rapidly, and her ears stood up uncontrollably as she stood at the door.

She also wanted to marry Changfeng as soon as possible and get along with him day and night every day.

"That's right. The third child got engaged this year. I originally planned to build a house after the autumn harvest, marry him first around the New Year, and then let Xinyue get married."

Zheng Dakui looked at the Gu family hesitantly, should this plan be changed?

Xinyue married well, and the people in the village who were jealous of her tried to guard her against her with open and covert weapons. If she married her earlier, she would avoid being plotted by these people again.

"Building a house is easy! Bricks, workers, wooden purlins, doors and windows, just tell me what's missing!"

Gu Decheng heard that he still had to wait until New Year's Day? The only difference is that it is a matter of building a house.

In the eyes of rural people, this is a big deal. In his opinion, this house can be built in less than a week.

"No need to trouble you, the adobe is almost gone, and there are only a few wooden purlins missing. The four of us can build a house."

Zheng Dakui is a shameless person and does not want to be too cruel to the Gu family and make them think that his home is a hole that cannot be filled and a trouble that cannot be driven away.

"Xiao Zheng, I will help you build a house starting from tomorrow. I am good at this job."

When Mr. Gu heard this, he immediately volunteered. He couldn't work in the fields. Da Kui could do well as the captain, but now that he is no longer the captain, the old man has also lost interest in farm work.

Help the Zheng family build a house as soon as possible so that the third boy can get married, so that his grandson can be brought back to Xinyue.

Now he is worried about Xinyue staying in the countryside. He will only be relieved if his family will protect her when she gets married.

"Old man, that work is too tiring, you might as well forget it."

Zheng Dakui was very moved, but why was he embarrassed to let the old man come?

But no one can persuade Mr. Gu's character, and even ten cows can't get him back from his decision.

"That's it." Mr. Gu ordered domineeringly.

"Push forward the date of Cheng Bao's wedding, and Xinyue and Changfeng will get married in the New Year."

The old man calculated the time and found that he still had three months to reorganize his house, paint the walls, re-wax the floors, add a big bed for the young couple, Xinyue also had to have a dressing cabinet, and other miscellaneous things There are too many, and it takes some time to prepare.

When Chen Sili heard the old man's words, she lowered her head in shame, but her heart blossomed with joy.

"Okay, your old man has the final say."

Zheng Dakui readily agreed. Knowing that the Gu family wanted to marry Xinyue back quickly, he was happy before it was too late!

After dinner, the Gu family drove back to the city, and Gu Changfeng stayed behind to help his future brother-in-law work.

When Mr. Gu returned to the city, he went to the police station to find his old subordinates and asked him to send someone to arrest Zheng Cuixiang. If she was not sentenced, she would be detained for a few days, so that she would know that she would have to pay the price for doing bad things.

The update is over. Thank you for your hard work today. I will update as usual tomorrow morning. I love you all~

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