There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 806 There’s a situation

Zheng Chengbao looked in front of him and saw no one. He pointed at his nose and asked the doctor in disbelief:

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yes, I'll ask the nurse to call you later and transfer you over."

The doctor nodded. Since he was a relative of Dr. Gu's family, he still had to give him this little convenience.

"Thank you very much."

Zheng Laosan was so happy that he thanked him repeatedly. He didn't understand that the doctor just had such a bad attitude and refused to visit the ward! Why did you suddenly agree now?

He pushed Lao Han towards 201, planning to surprise his elder brother with a surprise attack.

Zheng Laosan pushed Lao Han into ward 201 and found that it was a large ward with a total of six beds. They were all people who had undergone operations and could not take care of themselves. The smell in the room was very unpleasant.

When Zheng Laosan entered the door, he saw his eldest brother sitting in front of the innermost hospital bed next to the window. Next to him stood Yu Saifeng. She looked at him with a very gentle look, the kind of sneaking glance, and she quickly looked away. Then I couldn't help but take another look.

Despite his carelessness, Zheng Laosan noticed that something was wrong and deliberately raised his loud voice to call his brother.

"Brother, I'm here."

Zheng Chenglong was holding a suction device to suction Lao Yu. This work was very dirty, but he didn't dislike it at all. Hearing his brother's voice, he hurriedly raised his head to look at him. When he saw the third brother pushing Lao Han over, He asked doubtfully: "Why are you here?"

"I asked the doctor to change the ward. Why are you not happy for me to come over?"

Zheng Laosan raised his eyebrows dissatisfied when he heard his eldest brother's words. Was he afraid that he would disturb his luck?

"You will find fault with me!"

Zheng Chenglong glared at his younger brother. He was quite rigid and didn't like to see jokes. He couldn't stand his younger brother's playful smile, so he lowered his head and continued to finish the work in hand.


Yu Saifeng greeted Zheng Chengbao nervously. Her face was a little red, and she didn't know whether it was because of the sunlight or because she was shy.

"Well, I've moved here. Are you welcome?"

Zheng Chengbao smiled a little naughtyly, and Yu Saifeng looked at his elder brother with something wrong just now, and now his face turned red, which made it even more serious.

Yu Saifeng felt guilty when she was seen, she lowered her head and her heart was beating wildly.

She has lived to be in her twenties and has never seen a better man than Zheng Chenglong. He has taken good care of his father these days. Without him, his father would not have recovered so quickly.

At first she thought she was just grateful, but now she had an inexplicable feeling in her heart. She was in a daze every day at work and ran to the hospital after work. She tried her best to say in her heart that it was because she was worried about her father.

After Zheng Chenglong sucked Master Yu's sputum, he saw his younger brother pushing Lao Han and standing in the ward. He didn't know what he was laughing at. When he saw his younger brother smiling evilly at Yu Saifeng, Zheng Chenglong felt angry. The third brother would scare her if he looked at the girl like this. He couldn't help but frown and asked:

"Which bed is yours?"

"Waiting for the nurse to adjust it!"

Zheng Chengbao was glared at by his eldest brother, and he raised his hand to touch his nose. He felt that his eldest brother was special to Sai Feng. Very protective! There is a situation, haha, there is definitely a situation.

"Bed 2, change the ward."

As he was talking, the nurse came in to greet the 2-bed patient. The patient in 2-bed was eager to move to another room. He could already walk. Most of the patients in this ward were bedridden. The smell in the room was too bad even when they peeed.

"No, next to you."

Zheng Chengbao happily said to his elder brother that Master Yu was on the same bed, right next to him.

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