Gao Yunshan put his handkerchief into his pocket in embarrassment. What happened! Does Xiao Li think of himself as a bad guy?

"Sister, my uncle thought I was sick and wanted to wipe my sweat."

Zheng Xinyue hurriedly helped her uncle to speak. In this era, people who are not serious are looked down upon. She did not want her uncle to be misunderstood.

"Oh, that scared me."

Xiao Li patted his heart with lingering fear. Although he was still a little suspicious, he thought that Lao Gao was usually a very serious person and had never heard of him touching any little girl.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have stood behind you."

Zheng Xinyue put her hand on her eyebrows and saluted her to apologize. Her apologetic smile relaxed Xiao Li's nerves.

"It doesn't matter. If Master Gao makes some noise in the future, you will be frightened if you suddenly appear to have something wrong."

Xiao Li stopped pursuing it, but still said that Gao Yunshan was shocked after all.

Gao Yunshan smiled awkwardly, what can he say? It would be a little girl's kindness not to go to work and call him an old man.

"Uncle, please put the cakes and cans here first! It's not good for me to go out to buy things during working hours."

After shopping, Zheng Xinyue wanted to leave four bags of rice cakes and two bottles of cans with her uncle.

"Okay, then you wait for me. I'll put the things back in the office and go downstairs right away."

Gao Yunshan didn't refuse. This was Xinyue's filial piety to her grandma, and he had no right to refuse.

Afraid that Xinyue would leave, Gao Yunshan ran upstairs in a hurry. Zheng Xinyue shrugged. In order to prevent him from thinking wildly, she waited for her uncle downstairs obediently.

"I thought I heard you say just now that I'm not sick!"

Xiao Li was still thinking about Gao Yunshan putting a handkerchief in her mouth, and suddenly remembered the key point. She vaguely heard Zheng Xinyue say this.

"Sister, I'm not happy with you saying that I had convulsions in the past. My uncle was afraid that I would get sick and prepared handkerchiefs in advance."

Zheng Xinyue was afraid that Xiao Li would still doubt her uncle, and she didn't care to tell her about her illness in front of her.

Anyway, it was the original owner's disease, and she had never had it before and didn't care.

"Huh? Do you have this disease?"

Xiao Li looked at Zheng Xinyue sympathetically. She had seen people with convulsions look hideous and terrifying. She couldn't imagine that the girl in front of her, who looked as beautiful as a movie actress, had that kind of disease?

"I'm fine, but even if I told my uncle, he wouldn't believe me!"

Zheng Xinyue spread her hands and said helplessly.

"Xinyue, let's go! I'll take you back."

Gao Yunshan had to run up and down the stairs, and he was exhausted and out of breath. He was afraid that in the blink of an eye when he went upstairs, his niece would leave on her own!

"Goodbye sister."

Zheng Xinyue smiled and waved to Xiao Li. She was a kind girl, but her sympathetic and pitiful eyes made her feel uncomfortable.

Gao Yunshan remained highly nervous about his niece and kept an eye on her condition. He went out and pushed out his rusty, broken bicycle, intending to send Xinyue back to the fifth brigade.

As a result, he saw Xinyue walking towards the big tree opposite without waiting for her.

"Xinyue, come here, uncle will carry you."

Gao Yunshan hurriedly called her.

"Uncle, I came here on a bicycle."

Zheng Xinyue took out her car keys and waved them in the air. Gao Yunshan looked at her blankly, with a hint of heart-wrenching pain in his eyes.

His poor sister! You fucked your daughter up so much that you bought her a bicycle? It’s still 80% new, and even if you have a lot of money at home, you won’t be able to spend enough money with such a flowering method! It’s really memorable.

Zheng Xinyue pushed the bicycle back to her uncle and saw him frowning and staring at her bicycle with a distressed look on his face.

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