There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 818 Handsome guy, give me a smile

Gu Changfeng shook hands with his uncle out of respect for his elders and directly identified himself when introducing himself.

"Ah? What did you say?"

Gao Yunshan was dumbfounded and looked at Gu Changfeng stupidly. The young man in front of him was handsome, well-dressed, not angry or arrogant, never smiled seriously, his eyes were sharp and cold enough, and he had the temperament of a leader.

Is such a handsome man Xinyue's partner?

This is not the most important thing. The important thing is that he said his name is Gu Changfeng?

He remembered that the director of the sugar factory was also named Gu Changfeng? Didn't Xinyue lie? Not a fantasy of insanity? Is everything she said true?

Gu Changfeng felt a little baffled when he saw his uncle looking at him as if he was stupid after he revealed his identity! But she still called him with a polite smile: "Uncle?"


Gao Yunshan came to his senses when he heard him calling him, closed his open mouth and looked at Zheng Xinyue.

"Uncle, am I not crazy?"

Zheng Xinyue only felt that the clouds in the sky had dispersed, and asked her uncle with a sweet smile behind her little hands.

"Xinyue, what are you going to say?"

Gu Changfeng narrowed his eagle eyes and looked at Xinyue, his deep voice filled with confusion.

"That's right, because you were said to be my partner, my uncle thought that I was crazy. I had no choice but to bring him to see you to prevent him from having crazy thoughts."

Zheng Xinyue took the initiative to hold Gu Changfeng's hand and told the story with a smile.

"Is that so?"

Gu Changfeng chuckled, faced Gao Yunshan calmly, looked at Gao Yunshan from one glance to the next, left to right, and said to Gao Yunshan in a deep voice filled with magnetic joy:

"Uncle, Xinyue and I are engaged. You must come to the wedding banquet when we get married."

"Ah? Ah! Sure, our whole family will come."

Gao Yunshan no longer doubted this time. He was so happy. If there weren't so many people coming and going, he would have jumped up and thanked God for allowing his sister's family to suffer all the hardships.

He immediately became so happy that he couldn't close his mouth and nodded repeatedly.

If you take away the niece's divorced status and minor problems, they stand together like a golden boy.

The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful, a match made in heaven.

This time Gao Yunshan did not belittle himself and dismissed Xinyue's convulsions as a minor ailment.

Gu Changfeng took out his cigarette and paid homage to Gao Yunshan, very politely as a junior respects his elders.

The more Gao Yunshan looked at him, the more satisfied he became. While smoking, he heard someone calling him Factory Director Gu Changfeng, which made him feel quite proud.

I was so happy that I really wanted to tell someone that Xinyue not only found a good partner, but was also a big factory director.

Let that damn Zhang Hongbin regret it! I don't want you, a pretty boy. The son-in-law we found in Chenglong is 10,000 times better than you.

After seeing his uncle off, Gu Changfeng didn't ask anything at the gate. After entering the factory, when there were only two of them, he looked down at the side of him and smiled secretly. The little girl with eyes full of pride asked seriously:

"Tell me! Is there something I don't know?"

"It's nothing! You gave me face!"

Zheng Xinyue looked up at him and smiled, and suddenly understood that those girls who control their appearance would really be able to show off if they find a tall and handsome partner with some real skills.

"Really? The tail is raised too high."

The smile in Gu Changfeng's eyes was a little deeper. He liked to see Xinyue's proud little face the most. Her watery eyes were as bright as black gems, and her long eyelashes were blinking like butterflies about to fly into the sky.

"Of course I'm proud to have such a cool partner like you. How high is your tail?"

Zheng Xinyue raised her neck and pinched Gu Changfeng's chin with a wicked smile.

"Come on, handsome boy, give me a smile."

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