There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 826 My sister-in-law is really bleeding this time

"Why don't you hurry up and get the spoon? How can you be a daughter-in-law? You've starved your mother-in-law to skin and bones. I'll go find your commune secretary and ask him what punishment he should give for abusing your mother-in-law so badly."

Seeing her sister-in-law's eyes full of disbelief, Gao Guilan was furious, her eyes widened and she was full of rage.

"I'll take it right now."

Qin Shuxia was frightened. She was not a good sister-in-law. She was known as the invincible fighter in the whole village when she was in her mother's family. When she first got married, she often punished her.

If a person is afraid of someone, she will tremble whenever the other person raises his eyes.

On the side, Jiang Ruhua was rubbing her sore forehead. Even though her eyes were still like this, she couldn't be honest and peeked into the room through the gaps between her fingers.

I really saw Zheng Xinyue taking things out of the basket. There was no shortage of any of the good things my sister-in-law said, and there was a lot of them on the ground.

Noodles! This is a good thing that even money can't buy.

She smelled the aroma of egg custard in her breath, and she sniffed sharply. When she saw the lunch box full of egg custard in Zheng Xinyue's hand, her eyes widened.

To make so many egg custards, you need at least eight eggs. It seems that my sister-in-law is really bleeding this time?

"Second sister-in-law, if you want to take a look, just come in and take a look! Why are you doing this secretly?"

Gao Guilan took the spoon handed over by her elder sister-in-law. At a glance, she saw her second sister-in-law looking furtively into the room along the seams between her fingers. She immediately raised the corner of her mouth and said with a sarcastic smile.

"No, I just want to see if mom eats!"

Jiang Ruhua grinned awkwardly and ran to the kitchen dejectedly.

"Little sister, the meal is ready."

Qin Shuxia looked at Gao Guilan carefully, for fear of annoying her aunt.

"If you don't eat, I can't afford your food, and I can't stand you scolding me in your heart."

Gao Guilan rolled her eyes at her, turned around and entered the room with a spoon in hand.

Qin Shuxia stood there awkwardly, feeling relieved that she would save it for the children if she didn't eat.

"Sister-in-law, the sun really came out from the west today. My aunt has brought back so many good things. She is not bragging at all."

Jiang Ruhua came over and whispered in her sister-in-law's ear. Qin Shuxia was more than half a head taller than Gao Guilan. Jiang Ruhua had to stand on tiptoe if he wanted to whisper to her.


Qin Shuxia was aroused by her brother-in-law's wife's curiosity, and couldn't help but want to go over and have a look. However, Gao Guilan closed the door after entering the room, not giving her a chance to peek at it.

"Why do I have such an ominous premonition! She has brought so many good things, and it is not her character not to take them back tenfold."

Jiang Ruhua rubbed her hands, frowning and talking to herself.

"Our family only has some corn at most, and then some brown sugar and snacks that your eldest brother bought. What else can you take?"

Qin Shuxia stared at the closed door, thinking in her heart: No matter how good the food is, can it be compared to white noodles and dried noodles? By the way, Guilan also said that there is a piece of bacon. The children haven't eaten meat for a long time. Stewing some sauerkraut is enough for the whole family to have a delicious meal!

"The money, cloth stamps, and food stamps are all kept at my mother-in-law's house! I have calculated that the eldest brother Yongtai has paid at least a few hundred yuan to the family over the years. The old lady usually has no place to spend money, so will she give it all? Gao Guilan?"

Jiang Ruhua frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly her expression changed drastically, and she muttered in her sister-in-law's ear with a white face.

Qin Shuxia became anxious when she heard this: "Huh? Give me money too? That's not okay. Give me something and we can pretend to be blind. Seeing that Xiaodong is about to marry a wife, Xiaojuan is looking for her husband's family. How can a betrothal gift or a dowry be free of money? Second daughter-in-law, this is the most critical moment, we have to become one and we will fight to death if you dare to give us money."

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