There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 828 I completely believe it now

"Mom, you have wronged me. The meal is ready. May I ask if you want to bring it in to eat or what?"

How could Qin Shuxia dare to be so stubborn at this moment? She curled up her neck and asked the old lady in a low voice. Seeing the good things all over the floor, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva. new

My sister-in-law is already a person who eats fine grains. Do you still want to eat her wild vegetable porridge?

"Then you don't have to ask, do you think my daughter is not worthy of eating in the house??"

The old lady glared at her angrily.

"I'll go right away."

Qin Shuxia jumped with fright and hurried out to get the porridge.

When the old lady saw that what Qin Shuxia brought in was wild vegetable porridge, she suddenly became furious and banged the Kang table.

"Why, my daughter is going to eat this when she comes? You are waiting for the boss to come back. I want to ask him, will my daughter come back to this house?"

Is the old lady really angry? My daughter has brought so many good things and she can’t even eat for dry mouth? Even if it was cornstarch porridge, she wouldn't be so angry! Isn't it obvious that he is afraid that his daughter will eat the food of the Gao family?

As soon as Gao Yunshan pushed his broken bicycle into the hospital, he heard Ma~'s scolding. He suddenly felt happy. The old lady's scolding voice was full of confidence. It was no longer as weak as the previous few days. He immediately carried Xinyue to the old lady. The cakes and canned food bought by my wife hurried into the house. ♦ൠ

"Mom, who made you angry again?"

Before the person entered the room, the voice came first, and Zheng Xinyue stood up to greet him.

"Uncle is back!"

When Gao Yunshan saw his sister coming, he secretly glanced at the angry look on his mother's face and knew it. He smiled and said hello to them. s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

"Guilan, Xinyue, you came fast enough."


Gao Guilan was also a well-behaved younger sister in front of her eldest brother. She stood up and called him brother, and looked at him with a smile on her face, her eyes very friendly.

"Mom, these are the cakes and cans Xinyue bought for you."

Gao Yunshan put the cakes and cans on the kang table and discovered that there were good things all over the floor.

"Guilan, you brought all this?"

Gao Yunshan looked at his sister in surprise, and then he remembered Xinyue's statement that all three of her brothers were working, and now he completely believed it.

"Hmph, your sister brought so many things, and your heartless daughter-in-law gave her wild grass porridge. Tell me, I'm not dead yet! My daughter is so unpopular. If I die, what will happen to the Gao family? door, can your sister come back?"

The old lady slammed the table, not wanting her son to change the subject.

"Shuxia, what's the matter with you? Is it easy for my little sister to come all the way here? Are you just going to drink wild vegetable porridge?"

Gao Yunshan was also angry. The family was not in such difficulty, but his wife was slapping him in the face.

"Mom said it. There is no food now. We can only eat wild vegetable porridge at night. Besides, the door of the warehouse is locked and the key is with Mom. What should I do?"

Qin Shuxia looked at her husband aggrievedly. Can you blame her?

Although she didn't want her sister-in-law to eat at home, she didn't dare to say so.

"Isn't there noodles and eggs here? Go make some noodles for my little sister."

Gao Yunshan was speechless for a moment. He also knew how powerful my mother was. He really couldn't blame his wife for this matter. He pointed at the noodles and eggs that Gao Guilan brought. They were rare fine grains. He was just using her things to entertain her, but it was also a rare thing. It's better than eating corn noodles.

"Hmph, you know how to give favors and entertain her with the things Guilan brought?"

The old lady glared at her son angrily, as if she knew clearly that he was trying to excuse his wife!

Gao Yunshan rubbed his hands in embarrassment and laughed with him, who made him poor!

Dear little angels, I have some bad news for my concubine. I was hit by the disease on my waist, so I won’t be able to update so much in the future. I will try my best to update it four times a day. When my concubine comes back from the hospital, I hope the babies can still be happy with her. I will never leave you, I love you with all my heart

Happy holiday to everyone on August 15th???????

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