There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 836 Taking back the rights lightly

Qin Shuxia stood at the door and refused to leave, crying and pretending to be pitiful, promising to pay double the amount, but now it was a time of hunger, and she was about to be unable to eat. Aren't her words empty?

"Sister-in-law, what you said is so easy. My mother-in-law came to borrow food a few days ago and I didn't agree. As you said, I will borrow some and pay back double when the harvest is good, okay?"

Jiang Ruhua hated her sister-in-law so much that she mocked her mother-in-law and confessed that she only cared about her husband's family, which further highlighted her sister-in-law's selfishness.

"From today on, I will take back the key. No one can fish in troubled waters again."

The old lady is not confused. The eldest daughter-in-law is selfish because she has the key in her hand and can touch the food.

The younger daughter-in-law said it nicely, and when she got the key, she was even more powerful than her sister-in-law. ♦♢

"I just worry about my life! Even when I get old, I can't live a comfortable life for a day."

The old lady took back her rights lightly, but she didn't dare to joke with her grandson's life since the food was short.

"Mom, if you ask me to tell you, just leave them alone and come home with me. I will take care of you until you die."

Gao Guilan is going to pick up the old lady now. Her family says they can have enough to eat, but they don't want her to go hungry!

Where can I stay in Gaoyunshan? Qin Haixia suddenly opened the door with a dark face. She was so frightened that she hurriedly covered her face. Gao Yunshan snatched the key from her waistband and gave it back to her.

Even though the food was given to his father-in-law, he was too embarrassed to ask for it, so he could only deal with Qin Haixia, dragging her home and giving her a good beating, regardless of her howling like a butchered pig. ☞

The old lady didn't care if her son beat his wife. That was their business. A beating would keep her honest for a while.

She was not confused, and understood that her son seemed to be venting his anger on her, but in fact he did not want to get the food back to his father-in-law.

"Guilan, Xinyue, go back to the house for dinner."

"Second daughter-in-law, cook for the children!"

The old lady regained control of the house, glanced at Gao Ruhua, who looked disappointed, and ordered her to cook.

Zheng Xinyue followed her grandma back to the house. The bowl of noodles had long been smashed into a pile, and it looked like there was a lot more noodles.

"Mom, just forget it?"

Gao Guilan felt that her mother was not as powerful as before, and she would have beaten her sister-in-law out before.

"What's wrong? Most of the money in the family is earned by your eldest brother. He's a proud man. He would rather go hungry than go to my father-in-law's house to ask for food, let alone drive his wife away at this time."

Mrs. Gao heard Qin Shuxia yelling loudly for her father and mother, but the boss didn't deal with her lightly. He could calm down for a while.

"Grandma, come back and live with us for a while! I've learned how to cook and can prepare delicious food for you!"

Zheng Xinyue persuaded her grandma again and saw her second uncle's old son lying at the door and drooling while looking at the noodles on the kang table. Judging from his age, he was as big as a hammer, and he had become a big-headed baby. His big eyes had no sparkle at all, and his eyes were all dull. It was a desire for food. She looked very pitiful and gave him her bowl of noodles.

"Xinyue, children can't eat so much, just pick the top of a chopstick!"

Mrs. Gao called her granddaughter, not because she didn't feel sorry for her grandson, but because children don't know how to be hungry and full. They shouldn't suddenly eat too much after being hungry for a long time, or they will burst.

If a child is greedy, he will not be reluctant to eat wild vegetable porridge in the future.

"Xinyue, you eat mom's bowl."

Gao Guilan didn't stop her daughter, who told her daughter to be kind! But she was reluctant to let her daughter starve, so she pushed her bowl to Xinyue.

"Mom, I've eaten enough at work." Zheng Xinyue chuckled and told her mother in a low voice.

"This job is good, does Xinyue still need someone?"

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