There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 839 Dare to plot against your third grandfather?

"Of course, you have to take a breath after hanging yourself! I've been in the hospital for eight to nine days. If you do the math in black and white, I've been around for at least ten days, right? You smell the sour smell of sweat all over me. Why do I have to go home and take a shower? Why don't you change your clothes? As a leader, you don't know how to be considerate of your subordinates!"

Bad Zheng Laosan, just say what you say! As he spoke, he raised his arms and smoked Zhou Jianshe with the creaking nest.

Zhou Jianshe's height just reached Zheng Chengbao's ears, and Zheng Chengbao raised his arm so that the creaking nest was facing his nose.

Zhou Jianshe was completely unprepared when he inhaled a strong sour smell that went straight to his forehead.

oops! It made him burst into tears. He took several steps back and bumped into the hospital bed behind him. He sat down on the patient's injured leg. ♙♜

"What are you doing? Blind?"

The patient screamed in pain, sat up suddenly and pushed Zhou Jianshe to the ground. Naturally, he had no good words to say when his legs hurt, and he opened his mouth to curse.

Zhou Jianshe was pinned to the ground, his tailbone hurt from the fall. He covered his buttocks and stood up with a grin on his face. He looked at the patient sadly. The family members came over and raised their fists. He was a big young man with big muscles and round waist. I'm sorry!

"Xiao Zheng, you're not just joking around like this. Look, you hit everyone, right?"

Zhou Jianshe was also a treacherous and cunning person who diverted the trouble eastward, hoping that the patient's family members would beat up Zheng Chengbao to vent their anger on him.

"Hey, it's interesting. I just let you smell the creaking nest, and I didn't let you sit on uncle's lap. It's pitiful for someone to be injured. If you drop more than 100 kilograms, how long will uncle's leg be able to heal? "

Zheng Chengbao sneered, and started shouting with his unique loud voice, mercilessly crushing Zhou Jianshe's little mosquito sound.

Zheng Chengbao just leaned on the iron bed lazily with his arms folded around his chest, squinting and covering his butt. Zhou Jianshe, who looked embarrassed, was still naive when he wanted to play with him.

When it comes to fighting, he has never lost, and when it comes to being tempted, Zhou Jianshe counts him twice as much. Under the influence of his mother, he can tell at a glance who wants to do harm.

Zhou Jianshe looked at Zheng Chengbao heartbrokenly. He looked like a rough man. Why did his thoughts change so quickly? It doesn't matter what he says, he can't be blackmailed?

As soon as Zhou Jianshe thought of this, the old man's son came over and grabbed him by the collar, threatening him with a huge fist in front of his eyes.

"You are not allowed to leave. What will happen to my father's legs? Hurry up and pay for it!"

This young man gets along well with Zheng Chengbao! Staying in the same ward every day, he would understand just by clicking on Zheng Chengbao's side.

"Chief Zhou, just pay it forward! As leaders, we must be brave enough to act boldly!"

Zheng Chengbao was on the side helping the young man sneak away. One by one, he lifted Zhou Jianshe up in the air. He wanted to jump down and break your legs. Don't leave the ward without bleeding today.

If you dare to plot against your Third Grandpa, and still talk to me like an official, I will make you cry and you won’t even be able to find the answer!

Just like that, Zhou Jianshe cried and took out five yuan to compensate the old man. This was his monthly cigarette money, and it was just gone!

I hate Zheng Laosan so much, but there is nothing I can do against him!

This person has the ability to make you hate him till your teeth itch, but there is nothing he can do about it.

"Section Chief, I'm leaving. Go home and change clothes!"

When Zhou Jianshe paid for it, Zheng Chengbao left without looking back.

Zheng Chengbao could finally go home. He was bumping faster than a rabbit. He kept running home from the city as if he didn't know he was tired.

He missed the hard earth kang, his mother's voice scolding him, and the river in the village that he wanted to swim in.

No, it seems like he should still be thinking of someone else?

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