There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 849 Mom’s method is simply too clever

Gao Guilan raised her eyelids and looked at Cui Yanhong without being anxious or annoyed. You have to give her your own daughter for a good partner. My daughter can't show you off and directly announces her son-in-law who is riding a dragon. She stands straight and her eyes are full of pride. ♦♕

Xinyue has grown up her pride. After eight years, she can finally feel proud.

"Little sister, Third Sister knows that you have been worried and angry about Xinyue all these years, but don't make yourself sick because of it! The sun has set, but it is not the time to have sweet dreams, so stop talking and let the two of you get sick. My sister-in-law and several children heard the joke."

Gao Guizhi was a little doubtful at first, but when she heard Gao Guilan say that the director of the sugar factory was Zheng Xinyue's partner, she felt relieved. She put on a concerned face, spoke of Gao Guilan in a tone of pity and comfort, and glanced at Zheng Xinyue sideways. ☞♦

"Xinyue, don't worry. Third aunt will definitely help you find a partner who doesn't dislike your convulsions, but it's a bit difficult. Nowadays, you can't find a good-looking girl even if you want to find a young man in the city. You are a second-hand divorced and convulsing person. It’s a bit more difficult, but who made me your third aunt! I have loved you since you were a child, and I will help you find one no matter how difficult it is. Come back with me tonight and take you on a blind date, even though the man is a little older and looks pretty. It's a bit silly, but after all, you have a registered residence in the city and still have a job. Nowadays, rural areas are almost out of food. Your third aunt can be considered worthy of you and found you a man who can support you. You don't need to thank me. Who told our family to be together? Where are the relatives!”

Gao Guizhi looked at Zheng Xinyue with a distressed look on her face, saying "I'm doing it for you", but it was an ugly old man who arranged it.

This is actually a slap in the face of the little girl. The girl you hold in the palm of your hand is worthy of marrying an old man. ♦♧☞

Cui Yanhong looked at her mother with admiration. How could a big problem be solved so easily by her?

The man her mother was talking about was her family's creditor. Her family had no money to pay back now, so the old man said that if she had no money, he would let her pay the debt and marry him.

A beautiful girl marrying a man who is older than her father? How could Cui Yanhong agree?

Then she coaxed her mother to hide at her grandma's house, find a place to eat, and avoid the old man who wanted to pay.

I didn’t expect that my mother would come up with such a good idea and solve all her family’s problems? After the debt is paid off, I can sell it to my aunt.

She raised her eyes to look at Zheng Xinyue, with jealousy flashing in her eyes. Zheng Xinyue had been prettier than her since she was a child. Her parents loved their daughter, and she dressed well and dressed well. A rural girl was even prettier than a city girl like her.

Fortunately, she was frightened by her third brother and fell ill later. What would happen if she was beautiful despite having convulsions? Not abandoned yet?

But let's not talk about it. With Zheng Xinyue's charming appearance, the old man will definitely be attracted to her. As long as she gets the IOU back and Zheng Xinyue is married, it will be useless for the old man to come looking for her. There is no evidence.

Excitement flashed in Cui Yanhong's eyes. Mom's method is so clever. She really needs to learn from it in the future.

"Ha, if you have such a good partner, you should quickly keep it for your daughter! You can only envy my Xinyue's partner. Not to mention that she has a partner, even if we don't have a partner, we can afford it. After all, I have three sons. ! It’s not like raising a younger sister is just fun?”

Gao Guilan looked at the scheming third sister with contempt and sneered. She used a ladle of cold water to wipe out the pride in the two women's eyes, and stabbed the third sister with a knife at the same time.

"Okay, Guizhi, please stop saying a few words. I will listen to you when you come back. I am a patient, do you have any intention?"

Mrs. Gao listened silently, and when she saw Gao Guizhi becoming more and more outrageous, she immediately became angry.

"Mom, I'm kindly introducing a partner to Xinyue. My little sister doesn't appreciate it. Please persuade her quickly. If you miss such a good opportunity, it will be gone."

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