There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 851 Don’t give Third Sister an opportunity to take advantage of her

Gao Yunshan had been sitting aside, listening to the quarrels between the two sisters. The reason why he didn't speak immediately was because he was familiar with the third sister's character. new

If she knew that Xinyue was looking for such a good partner, she would definitely take advantage of her identity as Xinyue's third aunt to take advantage of Gu Changfeng.

What if she messes up with such a good partner?

Therefore, not only did he not speak for the younger sister, he also gave her a wink to prevent her from mentioning Xinyue's partner again, and did not give the third sister an opportunity to take advantage of her.

Gao Guilan saw her elder brother winking at her, but misunderstood what he meant.

I think the eldest brother is afraid that my mother will get angry and her condition will be aggravated!

She raised her eyebrows. My eldest brother didn't know that I was pretending to be sick!

"Xinyue, don't listen to your mother, the partner your third aunt has found for you will definitely make you happy. ̴x̴.̴c̴o̴m̴"

Gao Guizhi took a roundabout way and took Zheng Xinyue's hand with a smile, a motherly face, as long as the girl agreed, everything would be easy.

"Thank you, Third Aunt. I'm already engaged. You'd better keep it for Sister Yanhong!"

Zheng Xinyue answered with a sweet smile on her face, as if she didn't know that her third aunt was digging a hole for her to jump in. Her voice was so gentle, but the words she said made people feel as cold as the wind in the twelfth lunar month.

"You girl, why don't you know the good guys? How can you compare with your Yanhong sister? She is a yellow-flowered girl, and you are a divorced second-hand goods, or a sick young man with convulsions, and you are so virtuous. Why are you qualified to be selected? You don’t even know what you are like?”

Seeing that Zheng Xinyue was not only disobedient but also involved her daughter, Gao Guizhi couldn't hold back her fake smile and glared at Zheng Xinyue fiercely, her words hurting like a knife.

"Can you tell me about my daughter? Gao Guizhi, I will tear your mouth apart."

When Gao Guilan heard that her precious daughter was devalued as worthless by her third sister, she immediately became furious. She didn't care whether Gao Guizhi was pregnant or not? He rushed over with a roar and was about to start.

Gao Yongtai was frightened when he saw Gao Yunshan. He rushed over and hugged Gao Guilan tightly, and kept persuading him.

"Little sister, calm down. Your third sister's words don't sound nice, why don't we think she's just farting? Don't be angry, it doesn't matter what she said. As long as Xinyue's partner doesn't dislike her, that's fine!"

Zheng Xinyue was also very angry with her third aunt, because she was pregnant! Otherwise, she would have wanted to slap this third aunt who deserved a beating, but it was also because she was angry that she didn't stop her mother, and it would be better to scare her if she couldn't hit her.

When Gao Guizhi saw that Gao Guilan was anxious, she was frightened and used her mother as a shield.

"Mom, Guilan is crazy, stop her quickly, I'm pregnant! If the son in my belly is going to be good or bad, the Cui family and our family will never end."

"Why don't you finish it? You deserve a beating for your bad words."

Old Mrs. Gao's eyes widened. If Gao Guizhi hadn't brought out the Cui family to suppress her, the old lady might have wanted to pull Gao Guilan away.

When the Cui family was mentioned, the old lady pinched Gao Guizhi's arm and twisted it hard:

"Did I ask you to come back? My married daughter threw water. If you have nothing to do, don't come back to trouble me. Get out of here and go back to your Cui family."

"Ah, mommy hurts, it hurts so much."

Gao Guizhi's pain was exaggerated. She cried and shouted.

"I have good intentions. Xinyue is not qualified to choose a second-hand product. Is it wrong for me to introduce it to you out of kindness?"

She was just trying to make her mother feel soft, but she couldn't go back. If she did, her daughter would have to bear the burden.

The room was in chaos, and Gao Guilan was so angry that she wouldn't stop until she hit Gao Guizhi. The eldest brother and the second brother couldn't stop her, so they hugged her waist. She grabbed and kicked Gao Guizhi, and they really hit Gao Guizhi. A few times, she was so frightened that she climbed into the kang and pulled the quilt over herself, as if she couldn't be hit in this way.

"Why isn't Xinyue qualified to choose?"

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