There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 860 Taking a sheep by chance

When Zheng Chengbao's voice came, people also arrived. He patted Gu Changfeng's shoulder and pulled him enthusiastically into the courtyard. ☞

Now Gu Changfeng really couldn't leave, so he had to follow him into the hospital.

"What are you holding here?"

Gu Changfeng saw his third brother-in-law carrying a bag full of clothes and couldn't help but laugh and tease him.

"Hehe, I got a sheep by the way."

Zheng Chengbao didn't hide it from Gu Changfeng. From his perspective, stealing some food was nothing! Every household in the countryside steals, more or less based on ability.

The honest man was starving to death, and he didn't want his parents and little sister to go hungry.

"It's better not to go there again. Being found out will have a bad influence on my uncle."

Gu Changfeng advised him tactfully, but his intuition told him that there was going to be a storm soon, and the villagers were stealing too arrogantly, and the commune would not ignore it.

"I know, it's just watching others take it. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage if I don't take it."

Zheng Laosan scratched his head in embarrassment. He had a bad personality and was afraid of being left behind.

Zheng Xinyue went to the kitchen and made a bunch of noodles and cracked five poached eggs. Except for Gu Changfeng, her father and several brothers didn't eat either!

After dinner, Gu Changfeng rode back to the city. Zheng Xinyue told him not to pick her up in the morning. He just smiled, raised his hand and pinched her slippery face, and then left.

Zheng Xinyue watched his figure disappear into the night before returning home happily.

She didn't realize it, and the smile on her lips never disappeared until she entered the room. ☜

"Xinyue, third brother, please hurry up and get married before me! Changfeng of the province will pick you up and drop you off every day in the wind or rain."

Zheng Laosan burped and told his sister that he was telling the truth.

Anyway, this is not the first time that my sister has rushed to get married before him, and this time is no different.

"No, it's all agreed."

Zheng Xinyue looked at her third brother and smiled mysteriously. No one should have told him that the house was being built, right?

"Ah? Aren't you afraid that Changfeng will be snatched away?"

Zheng Laosan frowned and looked at his sister. Changfeng was too good. Although Zheng Laosan thought his sister was also good, Changfeng was like a piece of fragrant fat with many flies surrounding it. If he didn't get it early, he might fly away. .

"I don't care about men who can be snatched away."

Zheng Xinyue raised her face and spoke confidently.

This is not because she is crazy. In her previous life, the reason why she was not in a good relationship was that she would rather lack than indulge.

What would a man want to do if he finds a woman who hooks her little finger and runs away with her?

Gao Guilan looked at her confident daughter and smiled happily. She agreed with Xinyue's statement. The former Zhang Hongbin was an example. Instead of having to guard against him after getting married, it is better to see the person clearly before getting married and not take away those who can be stolen. .

Zheng Dakui wrapped his pipe around the pot and looked at Xinyue with admiration, smiling and praising her: "This is my daughter, Zheng Dakui, who is ambitious."

"Hehe." Zheng Xinyue smiled and told her parents to take a rest early. She called the third brother out alone.

"Third brother, I have to talk to you about something seriously. Please come out."

"What's going on! Is it so mysterious?"

Zheng Laosan followed his sister in confusion and asked her in a low voice.

"Third brother, from today onwards you will tear off the pockets in your sleeves and you will not be able to touch a single grain of grain in the grain depot. It is different in the city and in the countryside. Stealing grain from the grain depot is illegal because the food in the grain depot belongs to the state. You If we are caught, what will the Gu family think of our family? Third brother, my life's happiness is in your hands, you can take care of it, okay?"

Zheng Xinyue made the problem very serious and linked it to her lifelong happiness, otherwise the third brother would not take it seriously.

What she didn't expect was that it was her stern warning that saved her third brother.

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