There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 873 I have the final say in this family

The hoarse voice rang out, suppressing the discussions in the crowd and the cries in the room. An old man who looked to be in his forties was wearing a gray shirt, his hair was neatly combed with pomade, and he had a pair of wine bubbles. The eyes feel tinted, and the face is red, but it is not the kind of red that makes a good complexion, but the red porcelain face of a person who often drinks. His face is shiny, but his eyes are cloudy. This person should have a beard. But even though he had shaved his face cleanly, you could still see the stubble of his beard. ♤♦

Behind him were two strong men in their thirties, each with their lips curled up and their eyes sideways, looking arrogant and disapproving of anyone.

Cui Yanhong's expression changed drastically after she heard the man's voice in the room. She didn't care to cry and hid behind her mother, shivering.

After hearing the man's voice, Cui Youliang stopped talking to his wife and immediately put on a flattering smile.

"Brother Zhou, why are you here?"

"I won't come? How do you know you don't want to pay me back if you have money? Do you dare to play tricks on me?"

The man who was called Brother Zhou glared and raised his hand to punch. Cui Youliang's bean sprout body couldn't withstand his punch, and he was knocked to the ground.

"Why are you beating someone?"

The onlookers saw something was wrong and pointed at the person named Zhou and yelled. At this time, they still had a sense of justice.

"He owes me money. Is it wrong for me to ask for the account? If you feel sorry for him, please help him pay back the money."

The man surnamed Zhou's eyes widened and he shouted loudly at the people outside the door, spreading his hands and walking over to ask for money.

"Why should we give it to you?"

When it comes to money, who comes forward? There is nothing wrong with asking for money if you are in debt. The onlookers fell silent.

The man surnamed Zhou returned to the ward proudly and looked at the newborn wrinkled child with disgust.

"If you want it, here it is."

When Mrs. Cui saw him looking after the child, she immediately picked it up and handed it over. She really didn't feel sorry for her little granddaughter at all. If she could use her to pay the debt of more than 100 yuan, it would be her contribution to the Cui family.

"Fuck you, what do I need a little brat for?"

The man surnamed Zhou stared at her and started scolding her. The old lady who had just scolded her daughter-in-law for being arrogant and domineering was so scolded by this man that she didn't even dare to fart.

Zheng Xinyue had a bad thought in her heart from the moment she saw this man. Could it be him that the old man that the third aunt insisted on dragging her to see last night?

Looking at it this way, there is nothing I don’t understand. The third aunt wants to use herself to pay the bill!

This kind of relative is so hateful, no wonder both grandma and mother despise her.

Selfish and selfish, but also withered.

She deserved her current fate. To put it bluntly, this was her retribution.

"Old Cui, what did we say?"

As soon as Cui Youliang got up from the ground, the man surnamed Zhou put his arm on his shoulders, pressuring him so hard that he grinned and dared not speak in anger. He nodded and bowed with a smile on his face.

"I remember it! If it's done, I'm your father-in-law, give me some face."

Cui Youliang himself felt embarrassed and lowered his voice to coax the man named Zhou.

"I have changed my mind. In order to avoid a fight, I will let your daughter marry me today. From now on, you will be my father-in-law. Naturally, I will let you enjoy the good things and drink spicy food, and all the debts you owe will be written off."

The man surnamed Zhou looked at Cui Yanhong with lewd eyes. It is good to be young and energetic, which is good for giving birth to children.

"Mom, I won't go, Mom, save me."

Cui Yanhong panicked when Zhou's eyes came over her, and she cried and begged while pushing her mother.

"I have the final say in this family."

Cui Youliang was like a third grandson in front of Zhou. He was a god to his wife and daughter. When he heard that his daughter was unwilling, he opened his eyes and scolded her. He grabbed her arm and wanted to put her into Zhou's arms. deliver.

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