There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 878 Is the eldest brother destined to die alone?

Zheng Xinyue saw that Yu Saifeng's eyes were following her eldest brother. She struck while the iron was hot to test Yu Saifeng's intentions and told her about his eldest brother's situation.

This kind of thing cannot be hidden, if Yu Saifeng is not ready to be a stepmother! The preparations for her to marry her eldest brother are torture to each other.

The eldest brother will never wrong those three children. He has endured Li Xiuqin for so long for them, which shows how important the children are in his heart.

In modern times, we always see stepmothers abusing their children. Some are tortured to death, and some become extreme personalities after being tortured by cold violence, ruining the lives of their children.

"Really? Why the divorce?"

Yu Saifeng slowly clenched her fists. This man had already lived in her heart. She didn't care that he was married, but was she afraid that she wouldn't be able to be a stepmother?

"There are many things that I can't explain in a sentence or two. In short, it is a wrong start, and it is destined to end in tragedy. The problem is that there are three children. My eldest brother loves them very much, so if the future sister-in-law cannot accept the children, he would rather Single. ♙♦”

Zheng Xinyue sighed, the eldest brother is a great father in this regard.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Yu Saifeng and saw entanglement in her eyes. Zheng Xinyue's eyes dimmed because she thought everything was too simple.

Marriage is not just about two people, especially children living across the front room.

Is the eldest brother destined to die alone?

When she thought about it, she felt very depressed and didn't want to talk anymore.

She even laughed at herself in her heart, who gave her the courage to think that a big girl would like a divorced man with three children.

Could it be that Yu Saifeng was just grateful and moved to her eldest brother?

So it's better not to start, to save you the pain?

Zheng Xinyue just left with random thoughts. As soon as she came downstairs, she saw a piece of clothes hidden under the stairs.

She raised her eyebrows and sneered at the corner of her mouth. Cui Yanhong was not stupid after all. It was just that she could run for a while, but could she run for a lifetime?

Qin Liang left the hospital with Zheng Xinyue, and by chance she was seen by Gu Jingyi again. She frowned and watched the two people leave. She didn't notice that they were too intimate, but she also felt uncomfortable.

But once or twice, he had told Changfeng, and he still insisted on being with this girl. What could she do?

After thinking about it, she couldn't help but feel angry, so she chased out and called Zheng Xinyue to stop her.

"Wait a minute. I have something to tell you."

After Gu Jingyi caught up with them, she glared at Qin Liang. Zheng Xinyue felt a little confused, but still let Qin Liang go back first: "You go first!"

After watching Qin Liang leave, Gu Jingyi frowned and glared at Zheng Xinyue.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, I'm listening!"

Zheng Xinyue felt very uncomfortable being stared at by her with such a scrutinizing gaze, as if she had done something shameful, so she simply wanted to know.

She didn't call her aunt. She had already brought humiliation on herself last time. She should be more careful this time!

"Who was that young man just now?"

Gu Jingyi took a deep breath and tried to keep her voice calm, but she still said it in a questioning tone.

"He is Changfeng's assistant. Haven't you seen him?"

Zheng Xinyue answered honestly. It stands to reason that Qin Liang is Changfeng's assistant and his family should know him.

"never seen it."

Gu Jingyi was a little hesitant in answering. She was busy with work, and Changfeng was also busy. She usually saw many aunts and nephews, let alone the people around him.

"Why do you ask that?" Zheng Xinyue raised her eyes and looked at Gu Jingyi openly. She had already guessed something in her heart, but she still had to ask it herself.

"Since he is Changfeng's assistant, why are you together?"

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