There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 880 Deserve to be beaten

Cui Youliang's whole body ached. Thinking that Zheng Chenglong had beaten the man named Zhou with three punches and two kicks, he hated Gao Guizhi. If she hadn't supported Gao Guilan to marry him, would he have been the father-in-law?

With a son like Zheng Chenglong, just one would be fine, let alone three! When walking on the street, I feel confident.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting."

Gao Guizhi covered her head and screamed. The patients and family members of the patients in the same ward looked at her with disdain, showing no sympathy for this evil-minded woman.

Everyone was not blind just now. This woman is not a thing. She wants to use her niece to pay the bills. She deserves to be beaten.

"Broom star, our family has been in bad luck for eight lifetimes. Because you, the broom star, have relied on you, the old Cui family doesn't want you anymore. You can't even give birth to a son. Get out of here. ♢♢"

Old Mrs. Cui would pinch her when she couldn't hit him. She was also evil, so she pinched a little bit of the flesh and twisted it hard with her fingernails, which was more painful than beating.

"No! If you drive me away, where will I go?"

Gao Guizhi didn't care that her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. She dragged her body that had just given birth prematurely and begged her mother-in-law. Now that her mother-in-law's family was ruined by her, she couldn't go back. What would she do if her mother-in-law's family didn't want her anymore?

She is a vain person who would rather suffer in the city than go back to the countryside.

"As long as you are here, I will never be able to have a grandson in my life. Get out of here and I will find a woman who can give birth to a son for my son."

The old lady was not pitiful at all when she begged Gao Guizhi and made up her mind to drive her away.

She finally understood what happened today. If you have a son, no one would dare to bully you. If you don't have a son, no one would dare to step on you.

Youliang went out to make money because he had no son. Only with a son could he live a peaceful life.

Lao Wu, who had just been born, was given to a barren woman by the old lady. The woman took her away like jewels. Lao Cui's family came and left just as fast. In the end, Gao Guizhi was left alone in the ward.

She cried heartbrokenly and her eyes were full of panic. At this time, she thought of her natal family. She also had two brothers and asked them to help her stand up.

There was a lot of commotion in the hospital here, and Zheng Chengbao returned to the grain depot to formally report, wearing work clothes and patrolling with the new Xiao Jia.

Zheng Laosan is so beautiful! Still wandering around like this, strolling around comfortably.

I haven't been back to the grain depot for ten days. I kissed them everywhere I looked, especially the big grain dump. There were fat rats in it. They caught and roasted them and they sizzled and became oily. They became very fragrant.


Just when Zheng Laosan was thinking that nothing was wrong, he suddenly clapped his hands hard, startling Xiao Jia beside him.

"Brother Zheng, what are you doing?"

"I cast a net last night and forgot to get the fish this morning."

Zheng Laosan kept chewing the flower seeds, and even said that he was fishing for his little sister to eat!

I had a sweet dream last night, and saw the bicycle again in the morning, and I completely forgot about it.

"Brother Zheng, you can also fish! Can you give me two? My wife just gave birth to a baby and has no milk. I want to make some fish soup to give her milk. You can pay for it. Just want something fresh. I can buy it from a grocery store. The fish all stink.”

When Xiao Jia heard that Zheng Laosan knew how to fish, he began to beg him.

"Okay, no problem. I'll give you some small fish. It's free of charge. I'll be your freebie."

Zheng Laosan is generous to people who suit his temperament, but only the small fish. The big fish has to be eaten by his little sister and mother!

By the way, there is also his future wife Sili. Last night he dreamed of her smiling at him! Give her fish and she will be happy.

When Zheng Laosan thought of Chen Sili, the corners of her mouth kept cracking upwards, and they cracked again, almost to the base of her ears.

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