There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 882 If something goes wrong, there must be a monster

In the afternoon, Director Gu held a meeting with the security department and ordered round-the-clock patrols, divided into three shifts, black and white. new

After Zhou Jianshe, the security section chief, had the command arrow, he started to assign shifts. Zheng Chengbao thought that this guy must be assigned to the night shift, but to his surprise, he was not assigned to the night shift. He got off work at normal times today. .

Moreover, Zhou Jianshe's attitude towards him seemed to be deliberately trying to please him, which made Zheng Laosan wary. He had dealt with the old boy yesterday. Could it be that he was afraid of dealing with him?

But why do you see the cunning and bad intentions in his eyes? The more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong.

I have to say that our Zheng Laosan is very sensitive to danger. When he senses a crisis, he starts to pay more attention.

Xiao Jia, who was patrolling with him before, was transferred to the night shift and replaced by a young man who was transferred from the workers.

Zheng Chengbao had met this kid before, but his presence was very low and he was always taciturn. He seemed to be transferred from the loading and unloading team.

The reason why I remember him is because this boy was very strong. He could carry a two-hundred-pound sack and walk away with ease.

"Cheng Bao! Chen Rongfa was transferred from the loading and unloading team. He is not familiar with security work. Please take care of him."

Zhou Jianshe entrusted Zheng Chengbao with important responsibilities and specifically told Chen Rongfa: "Xiao Chen, learn from Cheng Bao if you don't understand."

Zhou Jianshe used to call Zheng Chengbao by his full name, then he called him Xiao Zheng, and now he just calls him Chengbao, which gives the impression that he and Zheng Chengbao are very close.

But Zheng Chengbao felt that something was wrong with this old boy. ♧

Especially when he looked at Chen Rong laughing, his eyes were meaningful.

Zheng Chengbao twitched the corner of his mouth and cursed secretly:

"Want to do something dirty? Will Third Grandpa be afraid of you?"

In the afternoon, only Zheng Chengbao and Chen Rongfa were left patrolling. Zheng Chengbao wanted to talk to Chen Rongfa, but this guy was a dull ass. He only snorted with his nose or shook his head and nodded, like a mute.

Zheng Chengbao was so aggrieved that he couldn't bear to deal with such a person who couldn't hold anything back.

Before leaving get off work, Chen Rongfa suddenly proposed to go into the grain dump to check, fearing that there was a fire source.

Zheng Chengbao raised his eyebrows, wanting to see what tricks this kid wanted to play, so he followed him in and watched his every move closely.

Chen Rongfa seemed not to notice that he was staring at him. He looked around carefully at every grain dump, giving Zheng Chengbao the feeling that he was a serious and responsible comrade.

He got off work safely on his first day and nothing happened. Zheng Chengbao even felt that he was being too suspicious.

When he comes home at night, the first thing he does is go to the river to collect the net.

The fishing nets lowered last night, there were quite a lot of fish in one day and one night.

The buckets carrying water at home were almost full. Zheng Chengbao hurriedly carried the buckets and fishing nets to his home.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the house, he saw Gu Changfeng coming back with his sister on his back. Zheng Laosan laughed loudly at Gu Changfeng: "Changfeng, you are in a good mood. Let my sister cook fish for you tonight. Go back and get it for grandpa." point."

Zheng Chengbao raised the two buckets high in a showy manner, and the fish inside were jumping wildly, which looked fresh.


Gu Changfeng smiled slightly. He liked to eat the fish stewed with soy sauce made by Xinyue.

"Third brother, send some to my third sister-in-law."

Zheng Xinyue pointed at the Chen family with a smile, creating opportunities for the third brother and Chen Sili to get along.


Zheng Chengbao agreed happily and originally thought of giving some to Sili! What his sister said was exactly what he meant.

Wang Laowen, who lives next door, heard that Zheng Chengbao was going to send fish to the Chen family. His eyes widened at that time. We are all neighbors, so we can't favor one over the other, right?

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