Wu Chunmei's sharp cries came from Lao Wang's house next door. She grabbed the sack and weighed it on the ground, refusing to let go. ♚

"Take her away."

After hearing the leader's instructions, the young man climbed over the wall to Wang's house, escorted Wu Chunmei and walked out.

"Save some for me."

Wang Laowen didn't dare to come over and rob her. He only dared to beg quietly from the side. It wouldn't be a big deal if a woman was caught, but he couldn't.

"You can't steal even a grain of public food, don't you understand?"

Two leaders of the commune also jumped over the wall from Zheng's house, and Wang Laowen was so frightened that he did not dare to say a word.

Wang Jinzhi stood aside and watched coldly, as if what was captured was not her mother, and what was seized was not her family's food, but like a soulless body. ♤♦

There was a frenzy in the village, and every house was searched. Except for a few honest households and elderly commune members, stolen grain was found in almost every house.

As the captain of the brigade, Secretary Du saved Zheng Dashan some face and did not search his home.

But his family did not search, and other families found grain, which was piled up in the threshing floor, weighing two thousand kilograms. Secretary Du was furious and ordered that all the corn be collected and everyone take it back to the commune for a meeting tomorrow to clear it up.

"Why don't you search the brigade captain's house? He also has it."

Someone in the crowd shouted, and now everyone else started to make a fuss.

Even if Secretary Du wanted to favor Zheng Dashan, he couldn't do it. Moreover, he was angry with Zheng Dashan in his heart and decided to take him down anyway, so there was no need to save face for him.

Then someone was sent to search his house. Cold sweat broke out on Zheng Dashan's forehead.

He didn't steal food, but his mother, sister-in-law and his wife were all busy. If they were found at his house, the captain would be guilty of taking the lead in stealing food.

Zheng Dakui frowned and looked at his frightened cousin. Thinking of Gu Changfeng's instructions to him, Zheng Dakui resisted the urge to help him, and his steel teeth clicked loudly.

Gao Guilan glanced left and right from time to time. Those who found food at home were pulled to the left alone, and there were fewer and fewer people on his side.

Confusion flashed in her eyes. She didn't steal as much as others, but it was at least a hundred kilograms. How could it not be found?

"What are you looking at?"

Zheng Dakui was already upset, but when he saw his wife looking around with a guilty conscience, he couldn't help scolding her in a low voice.

"Nothing! I wonder if my aunt is here?"

Gao Guilan calmly tucked her hair behind her ears. What bothered her was that Zheng Cuixiang was not Zheng Dashan. Although the two families were unhappy, she didn't want his family to suffer bad luck. After all, Zheng Dashan was still good.

"Secretary Du, we also found some at Captain Zheng's house."

Soon, the people from the commune came back, carrying a sack, followed by Zheng Maoshan's wife, who had an earthy complexion.

"Secretary Du, my old man is very ill. I couldn't bear to let him go hungry, so I broke off a few ears of corn. Please, for the sake of my old man's illness while building the dam in our village, please don't confiscate the grain. Ugh. "

Zheng Maoshan's wife held on to Secretary Du and refused to let go, relying on Zheng Maoshan's illness to build a dam for the village.

"Zheng Maoshan is a good comrade, but as a family member, you should not smear him. It's not that the commune didn't take care of your family. Zheng Dashan became the captain just because he wanted to take care of your family. How good are you? As a leader, you take the lead in stealing. Look at the five of you. What has become of the team now? Is it a den of thieves?"

Secretary Du stared at her with a gloomy expression, showing no trace of his old feelings.

He was planning to kill as a warning to others, but Zheng Dashan actually took the lead in stealing, so don't blame him for being rude.

There were so many people that they could only select one representative from each family to go to the commune to deal with it, and they still took away twenty or thirty people!

"The remaining people will go to the commune for a meeting tomorrow. No one is allowed to be absent."

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