There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 981 Being targeted by bad guys

The effect of Gu Changfeng wearing this windbreaker is exactly as Zheng Xinyue expected. He is tall and handsome and can support his aura. Coupled with Gu Changfeng's cold temperament, the effect is better than that of a supermodel. Zheng Xinyue looked at her work with satisfaction, I was so proud that I forgot the purpose of coming.

"How did you come?"

Gu Changfeng didn't expect that Zheng Xinyue would come to see him off? He frowned and scolded her, it was almost winter, and it was already dark after five o'clock. The train station was a mixed bag of people and snakes, and Xinyue was outstanding in appearance. What if she was single and was targeted by bad guys?

Thinking of this, he felt deeply uneasy. He couldn't even walk, and he had to think about her even on the train.

"I'll bring you some food!"

Zheng Xinyue looked at him aggrievedly. She had worked hard all afternoon to prepare delicious food for him, and even rushed to the train station to surprise him. How could he just scold her when they met? How could he act like a big factory director?

"You! I have arranged for your elder brother to pick you up. Why did you come to the station without saying a word? How can I leave with peace of mind?"

Gu Changfeng saw Xinyue pouting and her eyes full of grievance. He knew that his tone was too harsh and softened his voice, but he still scolded her.

"You asked my eldest brother to pick me up?"

Zheng Xinyue was not angry this time, she looked up into Gu Changfeng's eyes and asked.

"Yes, I specially called my brother-in-law in the afternoon and asked him to let your eldest brother go for an hour every morning.

Gu Changfeng raised his hand and glanced at his watch, helplessness flashed in his eyes: "Your eldest brother should have arrived at the factory now. How anxious should he be if he can't pick you up?"

"You didn't tell me! I'll bring you something to eat on the way, so I can ride back to the factory in time."

How can Zheng Xinyue let her elder brother be anxious? Anyway, the purpose of sending him to the station was achieved. He stuffed the bag he brought with him into Gu Changfeng's hand and turned around to run away.

He acted anxious, but in fact he took the opportunity to slip away. Changfeng, the provincial governor, asked himself where he bought Fuli Chicken?

Lie to Alexander in front of him.

Gu Changfeng watched Xinyue run out of the waiting room as if she was running away. There was a gust of wind coming and going. But for her unique fruity scent in the air and the extra cloth bag in her hand, he would have thought she had never been here.

He lowered his head and glanced at his watch. The train was leaving in fifteen minutes. His thick eyebrows furrowed involuntarily, and a flash of urgency flashed through his deep eyes. He didn't have time to send Xinyue back, and he couldn't be late for the meeting this time. He couldn't even refund the ticket if he wanted to. cannot.

Glancing at the cloth bag in his hand, a strange fragrance came out of the bag. He raised his thick eyebrows and asked, did Xinyue make any new dishes?

When Zheng Xinyue ran out of the waiting room, she looked back. She saw Gu Changfeng's worried look, and her heart felt warm.

Not daring to waste any more time, she went to the parking lot to pick up her bicycle. After only storing it for a while, she had to pay a five-cent deposit fee. Zheng Xinyue paid for it, and she felt like someone was peeping at her.

She turned her head sharply. The station was full of hurried passengers wearing black and blue clothes. The light was dim, and it was hard to tell who was who. They all felt the same, which made it even harder to find who was staring at her.

The uncomfortable feeling in her heart made her speed up the unlocking process. There were so many people on the station, and the other party did not dare to act rashly.

Zheng Xinyue pushed the bicycle away from the parking lot. There were so many people that it was impossible to ride it, so she had to push it.

When she pushed the bicycle away from a crowded place, the feeling of being followed became stronger. Zheng Xinyue simply got on the bicycle. Even if there were bad guys, it would not be easy for him to catch up with her on the bicycle.

But as soon as she got on the bike, she heard Tengteng's footsteps catching up with her. She turned around suddenly, and the other party also stopped suddenly.

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