In the golden autumn of August, the sun is shining brightly.

In the boundless land, the golden rice sea was blown by the breeze, setting off layers of rice waves.

Amidst the swaying and dancing golden waves, a little girl with a green jacket and slicked hair closed her eyes, her arms were wide open, and she was immersed in the rolling rice fragrance with a comfortable face.

"Rice Flower~"

"Rice Flower~"

The crisp, carefree, and joyful loud sound that belongs to the young man, from far to near, quickly diffused into the rice waves with the breeze.

The little girl opened her eyes when she heard the voice, and when she tilted her head, she saw the windy boy on the field ridge running towards her while waving.

Seeing the teenager, the little girl's brows and eyes curved, and a bright smile appeared on her face immediately. She raised her hand and waved towards the teenager: "Third brother, I'm here!"

Yan Wentao looked happy when he saw the little girl, and his slender legs grew even bigger.

In the golden rice wave, the green little girl stood with a smile, her eyebrows were green without drawing, her lips were red without being touched, her eyes were like stars, and her skin was like sebum.

Even after watching it for nine years, Yan Wentao still felt that his eldest sister couldn't see enough, she was like a beautiful girl beside an immortal.

"Third brother, why are you here?"

As soon as the boy arrived, the little girl opened her mouth with a smile, her fair and delicate cheeks were slightly red due to the sunlight, and she looked even more charming and cute.

"You also asked, what do you do when the sun is so big, and you are not afraid to tan yourself."

As soon as Yan Wentao arrived, he immediately took off the straw hat on his head and carefully put it on the little girl's head.

"Look, your face is all red, and when you go home, your grandmother will definitely scold you."

The little girl stood obediently and let the boy put on a hat for herself. After she put it on, she hugged the boy's arm affectionately, and said coquettishly, "If grandma gets angry, the third brother has to help me to intercede."

"You!" Yan Wentao tapped the little girl's forehead with his finger, looking both doting and helpless, "Let's go, let's go back, the uncle has a letter, and grandma is waiting for you to read the letter."


The little girl froze for a moment, "Why are you writing at this time?"

Yan Wentao shook his head: "The autumn harvest is coming soon. I guess it is to ask when we will go to the county seat where the uncle is appointed."

The little girl shrugged nonchalantly, expressing that she didn't care about it.

Seeing this, Yan Wentao smiled happily: "Why, you don't want to see your uncle and aunt?"

In the year when the eldest sister was born, the uncle was named in the middle. In the second year, she was appointed as the county magistrate of the seventh grade as a top three jinshi. At that time, the eldest sister was young and her grandmother was in poor health. The two stayed at home.

This stay, eight years have passed.

Looking at the eldest sister who had only seen her parents a few times when she was nine years old, Yan Wentao's eyes flashed a hint of distress.

"I want to see you!"

The little girl replied indifferently.

Compared with being confined in the backyard of the deep house, she prefers an unrestrained rural life. If she can, she would rather stay in the fields all her life and be a comfortable idler.

At this time, the two brothers and sisters had already embarked on the country road, and there were more people around.

"Oh, it's Daohua and Wentao!"

"Uncle Three!"

"Master Wu!"

"Six aunts!"

"Five uncles!"

The two brothers and sisters greeted everyone nicely and happily, causing the smiles on the faces of the people around them to deepen.

"Why did you come out with such a big sun?"

"What else can it be? It must be Daohua who has come out to inspect their rice fields again."

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed happily.

The little girl also laughed: "It's not good if you don't look at it, my family just pointed to this point and harvested it."

"Daohua, listen to my aunt, your father is the magistrate of the county. You don't need to work as hard as we do, and you can go home and enjoy your blessings."

The little girl smiled and said, "Auntie, the magistrate also wants to eat!"

"Hahaha, look at our Daohua, who knows how to help the family at such a young age. No wonder Mrs. Yan is so dear to her."

"Isn't it a rarity, old man, if I had such a granddaughter, I would have to die."

Listening to everyone laughing and laughing, the little girl always had a smile on her face, holding her third brother with one hand and inserting one hand into the rice ears on the edge of the field. go.

The two brothers and sisters walked away, and discordant voices immediately came from the crowd.

"What's the use of recruiting people, it's not a girl movie!"

"Lei Er, you don't spray feces here, you're messing with other people's tricks?"

"I just don't like you being so flattering to a little girl. Her county magistrate's father, if he values ​​her a little, will not keep her in his hometown for eight years."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't know, Daohua is doing filial piety to Mrs. Yan for her parents."

"Hmph, this is just a nonsense to fool outsiders, do you believe it? I have heard that Mr. Yan County married a concubine from a scholarly family in his tenure, and the concubine gave birth to a pair of twins. My daughter is born like a flower like jade, and the Yanxian grandfather likes it very much. The Daohua who grew up in the village is like a village girl, and it’s no wonder that Yanxian grandpa likes it.”

The farmer's voice was particularly loud, and the countryside was open, so even after walking a distance, the Yan Wentao brothers and sisters could still hear everyone's conversations intermittently.

"Third brother, what are you doing?"

The little girl grabbed Yan Wentao who wanted to go back to the theory.

Yan Wentao was born tall and big, but at the age of thirteen, he was almost as tall as an average adult man, and the little girl almost failed to hold him.

"I'm going to teach that leper who can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth."

Looking at Yan Wentao who was annoyed, the little girl laughed out loud: "Yo, third brother can do it, you can export it now!"

Yan Wentao is notoriously dislike of reading, and when he heard the girl's teasing, his anger dissipated a little.

The little girl took the opportunity to pull the person back: "It's just some boring discussion from outsiders, why are you so serious?"

Yan Wentao stretched out his hand to rub the little girl's head, but was blocked by the straw hat: "Daohua, don't listen to their nonsense, you are the eldest daughter of our Yan family, and that concubine's woman will definitely not be able to surpass you. even"

The little girl tilted her head to look at Yan Wentao, whose face was blushing, her round almond eyes turned slyly, and said with a candid smile, "What is it?"

Yan Wentao gritted his teeth: "Even if the uncle really likes the concubine's daughter, don't be afraid, you still have grandmother and us, we will definitely not let you be bullied!"

The little girl gave a charming smile, showing some dazzling white teeth, and turned her right hand back and forth among the rice ears on the edge of the field. When she saw the green rice flower in her palm deepening in color, the smile in her eyes became even stronger.

"Yes, there is a grandmother in everything. No matter how big your father is, how dare you not listen to your grandmother?" There was no worry in his tone.

"Daohua, you crazy girl don't hurry back to the old lady, I really want to be tanned into black charcoal!"

The vigorous shouting came from the courtyard more than ten meters away. As soon as I heard it, I knew that the speaker was in great shape.

The little girl shivered and ran to the door with her short legs helplessly, shouting, "Grandmother, your lovely little rice flower is back!"

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