There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 100, ripped apart

Daohua felt tired, this Aunt Lin really did not forget to take her with her. Even though her grandmother let her go, she still did not forget to force her to be involved for the sake of her heart.


However, in her eyes, is she a harmless little white rabbit who is allowed to use it as a raft?

On the side, Yan Zhiyuan saw that the old lady was getting more and more impatient. Thinking that Aunt Lin had not spoken about the Wangyue Academy, she opened her mouth to smooth things out: "Mother, don't be angry, Aunt Lin came to greet you with filial piety. Give her a chance to correct her mistakes."

Daohua raised her eyes and looked at her second uncle. He was able to get along well with people from the county and prefectures by virtue of his white body, and he had to say that he was also a very capable person.

But to say how shrewd, it is not necessarily.

If he really understood things, he would not speak at this moment.

The matter of preventing her from making wine before, if he just thought about the addiction of the elders and showed his right to speak in the Yan family, then speaking for Aunt Lin at this moment, it is not clear.

He wanted to win the opportunity for Yan Wenjie to study at Wangyue Academy, which was understandable, but he could say it clearly, so that she could look at him highly.

But he chose to join forces with Concubine Lin, doesn't he know, the dispute between the wife and concubine of the big house?

He knew, but he did it anyway.

It's nothing more than that he thinks she is a junior, and he and Aunt Lin put pressure on him together, so that the cheap father can force her to submit.

What a ridiculous and stupid idea!

Yan Zhiyuan wanted to say a few words to Daohua, but seeing Daohua's half-smiling eyes, for a while, the words in his mouth were a little unspeakable.

He couldn't say it, but Mrs. Sun had no worries, smiled and said, "Daohua, for your fifth brother and third sister's sake, don't worry about Concubine Lin's slip of the tongue just now."

It turned out that she was calculating!

There was no longer a smile on Daohua's face, and she said unceremoniously, "Second Aunt is very generous to others."

Sun's face stiffened. She knew that Daohua was sharp and sharp, but she didn't expect her to be so ruthless.

Yan Yile looked a little dissatisfied when she saw that her mother was being told. Just as she was about to speak, Yan Yihuan stopped her.

Yan Yihuan shook her head at Yan Yile and whispered: "Today our purpose is to let the second brother go to the academy to study, don't make trouble."

Yan Yile was a little dissatisfied, biting her lip and looking unhappy: "Look at what big sister can do, now everyone in the family has to look at her face."

Yan Yihuan glared at Yan Yile and motioned her to stop talking, but in her heart she agreed with her sister's words.

Because of the little prince's relationship, the eldest sister's status in the family is now getting higher and higher.

If the elder sister was so disrespectful to the elders in the past, the uncle must have already opened his mouth to blame.

But this time, the uncle didn't say anything.

Aunt Lin, who was kneeling on the ground, was relieved to see Yan Zhiyuan and his wife helping her to speak.

Fortunately, this time she and the second room have the same interests, both to send their son to the academy to study.

Hearing that the meal was about to be set in the dining room, Concubine Lin didn't dare to delay any longer. If she couldn't speak this time, she might have no chance in the future.

This time, Concubine Lin's words were not aimed at Daohua, but instead focused on Yan Wenxiu.

"I heard that the uncle is going to study at Wangyue Academy. The concubine congratulates the uncle here. When Lin brother opened the door to the uncle, he said that the uncle is very talented, and he will definitely win the title in the Toad Palace in the future."

Hearing this, Yan Wenxiu frowned, and soon, he disappeared again.

Being opened by the younger brother of the concubine, this matter gradually became a thorn in his heart as he grew older and learned more etiquette rules.

Didn't father know that this would put him in an embarrassing and embarrassing situation?

If the classmates knew about this, what would they think of him and the Yan family?

The eldest son was convicted by the younger brother of the concubine's room. Can the Yan family have some rules?

Also, if he is close to Master Lin, he will be sorry for his mother; if he is far away from Master Lin, he will be said to be ungrateful and do not know how to respect teachers.

After he was admitted as a scholar, when he saw Master Lin, he would hide if he could, for fear of getting a bad reputation.

Beside, Yan Zhigao heard Aunt Lin mentioning the matter of the eldest son Kaimeng, and his face suddenly became a little ugly. He was too busy to teach the eldest son back then. Seeing that Master Lin's knowledge was not bad, he casually asked him to teach the eldest son.

Now as long as he thinks about it, he regrets it.

Outside the door, Mrs. Li also had a livid face, thinking of what happened back then, her heart was blocked. At that time, Lin was being favored by the master, and the master was almost responsive to her. Her son was opened by Lin's brother, which was the deepest pain in her heart.

Of course, she hated her weakness even more, she felt inferior because of her background, and consciously avoided Aunt Lin, who had a talented father, so she failed to protect her son.

Mrs. Li suppressed the anger in her heart and did not enter the room immediately, for fear that she could not restrain her emotions.

Inside the house, Yan Zhigao looked at Concubine Lin dissatisfiedly: "Okay, please An, you have also asked, and Dao Xi has also said, if there is nothing else, just go down."

Aunt Lin's face changed, she knew that the mention of Kaimeng would make the master unhappy, but she needed a reason, and for the sake of her son's future, she couldn't care so much.

"The uncle will definitely want to honor his ancestors in the future, but as the old saying goes, a single tree can't make a forest. In these years, the old man has been struggling in the officialdom, and his concubine also sees it."

"Our Yan family has a weak foundation. In the future, the uncle will enter the officialdom. Although he has the contacts accumulated by the master, it is not as stable as the mutual support of his own family."

When Daohua listened to Concubine Lin's words, she was very impressed.

This person is very smart. He didn't ask for a place directly, but went around in such a big circle.

Aunt Lin looked at Yan Zhigao with some red eyes, with some prayer in her eyes: "Master, Wen Bin's talent and knowledge, you know, if he can help the uncle one or two in the future, it will be the concubine's greatest wish. ."

Saying that, Concubine Lin turned her eyes to Daohua.

Daohua kept watching Concubine Lin's performance, and when she saw her, her expression became straight, and her waist couldn't help but sit up straighter.

"Big girl, I know that as a concubine, I have a humble status. I really shouldn't be conspicuous in front of the girl and make her unhappy. In the future, I will definitely stay away from the girl and not disturb the girl."

"However, I also ask the girl to see that the second master and Wen Bin are the same as you, who have the blood of the Yan family and want to contribute to the prosperity of the Yan family. Please help them." Hua kowtowed, so scared that Daohua jumped up and hid aside.


Daohua hurriedly asked old lady Yan for help.

Mrs. Yan's face was ashen, and she said angrily: "Lin, what are you doing?"

At this time, Mrs. Li opened the curtain and walked in, looking at Aunt Lin with an ugly face, her tone was cold: "Ms. Lin, are you deliberately trying to ruin my daughter's reputation?"

Concubine Lin seemed to be frightened, with panic on her face, she shook her head again and again: "No concubine, please calm down Madam."

Compared to the angry Mrs. Li, Auntie Lin who was kneeling on the ground looked too pitiful. Daohua glanced at him and began to show the unbearable cheap dad again, feeling a little speechless and impatient.


Daohua stood up and bowed to Yan Zhigao.

"Father, Auntie Lin is your concubine. As a junior, your daughter shouldn't say anything. However, almost every word of Auntie Lin is aimed at her daughter, so her daughter has something to say."

Yan Zhigao looked at the eldest daughter, then at Concubine Lin, and finally at the angry mother and wife, and sighed, "You say it!"

Daohua first walked over and helped Mrs. Li to sit down, then stood beside Mrs. Li and looked at Aunt Lin, who was still kneeling on the ground.

"Aunt Lin, I don't know what you think, just like you said, my fifth brother and third sister are siblings and we should get along in harmony, but judging from your behavior, you are eager for me and fifth The relationship between the younger brother and the third younger sister is getting worse and worse!"

Aunt Lin wanted to deny that Daohua didn't give her a chance and continued.

"As your biological mother, the fifth brother and the third sister will naturally try their best to maintain it, but when you face me, you are always begging for mercy, kneeling, and kowtowing. The fifth brother and the third sister looked at this and thought that they already hated me in their hearts. Bar?"

"Actually, I don't understand you a bit. My relationship with the fifth brother and the third sister is strained. What's the benefit to you?"

"I do not have"

Daohua reached out her hand to interrupt Concubine Lin's defense: "In fact, everyone knows the purpose of your visit this time, but I still want to ask you, have you developed the habit of getting something for nothing? Ask, and someone will surely satisfy you?"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Zhigao couldn't hold back his face.

Daohua ignored it: "You are very smart. You know how to pull the second brother up, so the chance of success is higher. Even if it fails in the end, then I hate the second uncle and aunt."

Hearing this, Concubine Lin, who was kneeling on the ground, flickered in her eyes. She really had this idea in mind, but she didn't expect to be seen by the eldest girl.

Daohua looked at Yan Zhiyuan and the Sun family: "Second uncle and second aunt, I know that the second brother failed to go to Chengwangyue Academy. You are all angry, but this is not something I can decide!"

Yan Zhiyuan hurriedly said: "Daohua, the second uncle didn't blame you, it's just that you and the little prince are so good, it shouldn't be difficult to ask him to give your second brother another place, right?"

Daohua's expression remained unchanged, and she smiled lightly: "Yes, the little prince gave me a bit of face for the sake of us saving him, but our identities and his identities are not equal."

"If he is willing to take the initiative to help, it is because he is affectionate and righteous; but if he is unwilling, in my capacity, what qualifications do I have to ask him? Don't you see that Big Brother Dong does not dare to make any mistakes in front of the little prince? Is it?"

Having said that, he glanced at the cheap dad meaningfully.

"Also, shouldn't this person know how to be content?"

"At the time, my grandmother, me, and the third brother saved the little prince. Now, the little prince has given three places. Isn't this what it should be?"

"Why do you think that if I ask, the little prince will definitely help?"

"Also, if we succeed, what can our Yan family bring in return?"

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